Woodville 2007

I took photos of Woodville for those in the family who haven't been to Woodville for awhile. The first set are of the homes of family members who still live here, and the others are of Woodville scenes. Caroline suggested that I try to include some of the stray dogs, but I made no special effort to shoot them, as I only was armed with a camera. Of course I had to put in pictures of the park and school. We finally have new playground equipment
Some things have changed over the years. The old Woodville hardware store is now the Guadalapana. Meeks Bar has become the Discount Store and Post Office. Tule River Coop still has its sign up, but I'm not sure it is still running. I haven't seen any cotton coming in.

-- Darrel
Click on the Photos to enlarge

This is a Photo of Jim and Elvia's house, just outside of town
Here's Doug and Nate's Place
This is a shot of Grandpa Art and Carlos' House
Woodville school has a scoreboard now. How many remember playing on these fields?

Woodville 2007

A funny Halloween scene near Nate and Doug's Place
This used to be the hardware store, then the Post office/Pizza Place. Now it's a carniceria.
The old bar, which was blue for many years has also changed.
These are pictures from the Woodville Park which was reopened back in the mid '90s.

World Famous Woodville Union Elementary School built was back in the 1940's hasn't changed all that much.

Another funny Halloween picture (I hope). In the background you can see what used to Rosso's. It was once an Italian restaurant, now it's the most hideous looking building in town.

Here is an everyday photo of Woodville, you can see the Pentecostal Church that is across the street from Grandpa's house in the background.

This church has certainly changed. It's been resmodeled, they've parked trailors in the huge lot, and they even televise their services.

Next to the park there is now a Nursery. They grow all kinds of things, you can even buy trees that are totally unidentifiable.