Baby Shower

They're going to be coming up like crazy this year, but the next one will be June 11th. All Meneses women are invited to Maria's house in Shafter to shower Alli Craven and Raquel Guerrero. Alli is having another boy (of course), and we aren't sure yet what Raquel is having. You should be getting invitations in the mail shortly but just in case, the event will be at 11:00 on Saturday the 11th. If you need directions call Maria or anybody else that knows the directions.

BTW, Alli is registered at Target. You can view the registry online here.

If you have any details about Raquel's baby be sure to leave a comment :)

Nice Fish, Doug. Posted by Hello

I'm not sure how fishing has gone for the rest of us. Nate has probaby caught dozens by now. As for me, times running out on the season and I'm not on the board yet. (you can click on the picture to enlarge it)

Cathi's Baby Shower

I hope all of the ladies in the family have gotten your invitations by now to Cathi's shower. In case you haven't or need a reminder here is the info.
Sunday May 22, 2005.
2:00- 4:00 pm
Zalud House Gardens
Porterville, CA If you need directions just call Allison
Cathi is registerd at Baby's R Us and Target, if you have problems accessing the Baby's R Us registry, again, call Allison.
All of you women are invited and we really hope to see you there.
RSVP to Caroline or Allison

Take care until then!

May Birthdays??

Help me out here, I can't think of any here. I know we've got some birthdays coming up, so if you can remember them please post them.

Any other news, well let us know that too. . .

I'd also love to get a picture of Andrew Meneses as soon as possible, I understand Gabe and Lisa have been very busy right now, so I'll excuse them for the meantime. I hope the baby is doing very well.