A New Addition!!!!

Elias and I are having a baby! As of today we are expecting the bundle of joy on April 28th. However, all you parents know it will change at least once.


Alli said...

we are really happy for you!

mark said...

congratulations!! i've got some spare names ready in case you need help. Aristotle Arismendes has a nice ring.

doug said...


Im guessing the name of Kobe Favre or gregamus maximus..... my personally vote is Mr grimsley (boy or girl)

Anonymous said...

How become there is no one with the first name "Woodville" In my country this would be super good!

greg said...

I like your ideas doug... except for that last one, I expected better. Perhaps Dr. Grimsley or Captain Grimsley.

Anonymous said...

sorry greg dr. grimsley is taken by some poser in oklahoma and captain grimsley got married and is now captain america, but to stick to the subject captain america is pregnant too. i say the kids name should be named favereaux arismendes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Susan, if the baby looks like Greg you could name him after him and call him Federer Arismendes. Woodville could be his middle name. If the baby has pointy ears and whiskers you could call him Scraps Favereaux Arismendes.

Anonymous said...

favereaux meneses arismendes, but you can just call him scraps for short

mike said...

muchos congratulations!!!

the nate said...

How about semore butts arismendes, or oliver closoff arismendes, or anita man arismendes, or anita boytukiss arismendes, or mr. I.P freely arismendes, or ok i got nothing!