Sports Post

We're getting into a slower period for sports right now.  Football is off in the distance.  Basketball and Hockey just ended.  The World Cup is soccer.  There's Wimbledon, where Greg will once again try to hoist a large platter to proclaim his dominance of grass.  And Baseball is mid-season. 

With not all that much going on, I thought I would post a favorite team/player post.  Dodgers/Giants aside, there are probably some interesting favorite teams out there, and here's an opportunity to post them in the comment section. 


mark said...

here is what I had in mind.
favorite teams: dodgers, jets, sacramento kings, st. Louis blues (hockey), notre dame and fresno state (college)

Anonymous said...

Dodgers, 49s, Celtics, Red Wings, Duke (basketball) Fresno state (women's softball) Best team I love to hate: Giants

me said...

i'll never understand how this family has celtics and reds fans in this famly

The Gregerrific Favtastic said...

Packers over Charga's, Paderrs, Lake Show, Azztecs, Hope Mexico beats Argentina

David said...

Da Bears, the mets, the lake show. A huge fan of any team lil dave is playing on!

darrel said...

Dodgers, 49ers, Packers, Danica Patrick, Fresno State, Lance Armstrong

The Nate said...

(basketball) The Lakers of course! especially the 1984 magic johnson led Lakers. Their best team of all time.
(football) The San Francisco 49ers!(hockey) Los Angeles Kings. (soccer)USA National Womens team. (college baseball and football) Fresno State.
(college basketball) UCLA home of the wizard of westwood!
(favorite MMA fighter and best of all time by far) Rickson Gracie
(favorite boxer right now) Floyd Money Mayweather just because I have bets with everyone about him taking manny down!

Top ten teams that I hate in order of my unbridled hatred for them! 1: The Dodgers!!! of course 2: The Raiders 3: Duke 4: The Yankees 5: The Utah Jazz 6: Florida College Sports 7: Notre Damne 8: Mexicos National Soccer Team 9: Texas college football and 10: Chuck Lidell. I know hes not a team but he sucks!

To take this post even further lol. Favorite sporting events in order of what event I love the most. 1: The MLB World Series 2: The Superbowl 3: The college football national championship 4: The world baseball classic 5: NBA finals 6: Little league world series 7: College World Series 8: March Madness Final Four 9: The World Cup 10: NHL championship.
Events I hate 1: Any type of Racing 2: The Olympics 3: X-games suck 4: Anything WNBA 5: most womens sports actually haha yeah i took this post a bit far but there you got it dudes!

Mark said...

wow Nate, let us know how you really feel! haha. I like your list of teams you hate. I think mine would go like this:
1. SF Giants, 2. SF Giants, 3. Raiders, 4. Florida Football teams, 5. Stanford, 6. Kobe Bryant led Lakers, 7. Red Wings, 8. Packers, 9. Braves, 10. Bill Belichek

darrel said...

Nate added some interesting thoughts--if despicable can be thought of as interesting. But let's go with favorite TV sporting events: World Series, Indy 500, NCAA Basketball tournament, College Bowl month, Super Bowl, World Baseball Classic, British Open (when Claude Vandervlede loses), Olympics (minus any event with judges and scores from 0-10).

mike said...

dodgers, niners, suns, blackhawks and fresno state

mike said...

nate how can you hate the olympics? its how sports all got started. i hate the stupid way they are televised i only wanna watch the sports and teams i like and who cares about all the side stories, if your really interested in it google it. keep sports about sports!

bob costas said...

in his prime, Boris Becker would have beat Greg easily

The Fed Grr Grrr said...

Boris, I would never say that I am better than you, but I do have to say everyone downgrades me because sometimes I make it look so easy. Sure you guys had some great plays, whereas I usually just play perfectly.

Cheers mate! Im Swedish!

The Nate said...

Mike I hate how over hyped the stupid olympics are! from the stupid outrageously overboard opening ceremonies, to the stupid coverage, and the stupid side stories. Plus the sports for the most part are pretty boring to watch. Just not a fan my friend lol. Mark, I like your top ten NOT teams! Especially Bill Belachik! haha. Uncle Darrel I thought my thoughts were pretty enlightning haha. I think marks top two teams to hate were a pretty despicable choice! :) Oh and I take Greg in Tennis over everyone..... EVERYONE BUT MY BOY BJORG!! haha

mark said...

here's my take on the olympics -- it's a great idea, but the tv coverage is ruining it. We all know the results hours before it's shown, since they can't seem to show it live. They also focus in too much on a few athletes. Just because Michael Phelps is a great swimmer, it doesn't mean he's the greatest athlete ever. And I could not care less about a skier named lindsay who didn't even win a medal.
on a positive note I love to watch Usain Bolt run,

darrel said...

To all you Giant fans out there, I say NO!! It's too late, you cannot switch and become Dodger fans on the verge of a sweep. You made your choice.

the nate said...

Terrible Terrible sweep! Giants need some offensive aggresivness! They need Lincicum to yell something from the mound at the dodgers before the first pitch! Something like "THIS IS SPAAAAARRRTTAAAAA" maybe that could have thrown off the dodgers lol. Still a sad sad sweep! And We will NEVER change! GOOO GIANTS haha

mark said...

If the Giants were in the American League they would probably destroy the Dodgers. Thank goodness the Dodgers were able to finish interleague play.
MLB needs to quit playing these crazy series, or at least cut it down to one rival series per year and that's it.

Anonymous said...

The Reds, Celtics, Cowboys,and the 1974 Woodville Litte League baseball allstars. And the 1975, 13yearold BabeRuth allstars

Put that in your glove, helmet, and hoop!

Anonymous said...

The Red Sox, Bruins, Celtics are the greatist teams in the world and anyone that Beats the evil empire the yankees suck, like a shop vac. And don't forget those Superbowl Champs form the East Coast the Patriots. But our secret team the Maine Balck Bears of Orno