Sometimes we don't need a reason

First off, Happy 15th Birthday to Quartnie!  (driving soon :[) )
Next, Happy Father's day (a little late) to all the many father's out there connected to this family. 

Then, I also want to put a few folks on the spot.  It's been way too long since we had an update from back East.  So, Danielle, Uncle Art & Aunt Liz, we want to see something posted from you guys here.  Do you have any great pictures or news from home that we'd like to know about here?? 

I also have to pass along a KUDOS to whoever posted the snakes on a plane flyer.  Beside the fact that it was quite funny, it also reminds us that there is really no standard to what can be posted here.  If you go back through the archives you'll see that we've had some strange posts, and I think that's a good thing. 

keep 'em coming!


Anonymous said...

And a HUGE thank you to mark for keeping the blog running. It's a thankless job, but I know everyone appreciates it.

mark said...

As everyone knows, I really enjoy putting in a small little bit of time to keep this up. There is no thanks necessary.

Da Nate said...

moose your da man for da blog!