Oh The Books You'll Read!

Back by popular demand (or at least requested by Caroline), The Book List. If you don't recall this is the spot where you can review and recommend books that you've read lately. For some reason, people want to know what you've read, what you're reading, and what's good. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that books have no previews, which would surely make it easier for people to pick 'em out. That being said, I'm sure there are folks out there who have read interesting books and would like to share information here.

I'll change the sidebar links in the next few days, but for now here are some of the recent recommendations:

The Traveler's Wife
I Am America: And so can You
Through Painted Deserts

Here is the old list


Anonymous said...

Of course books have reviews. They are called talk shows. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart reviews a couple of books a week through an interview with the author. These are always not-fiction, however. Some newspapers review books, also, and I don't doubt that book reviews could easily be found on the web. Sorry about ranting, I should just mention a few good books I have read. Here are two books by great storytellers, that you won't be able to put down: The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie, and American Gods by Neil Gaiman. The Gaiman book gets two severed thumbs up for creepiness.

Anonymous said...

the last book I read was the ABCs of FLY TYING by Maurice Beliveau a wonderfull how to do book that will have you ripping your hair out on long cold winter nights. Just kidding a good basic book for beginners to learn from. I'm reading Deception Point by Dan Brown the author of the De Vinci Code.

Crazy uncle.

Anonymous said...

I pretty much read non-stop. I read the time travelers wife, it was good, I couldn't find any other books by that author though. I read Matrimony, it was ok. I'm reading It's Friday, but Sundays Comin, by Tony Campolo but I cant get that into it. I read The Shack, it was good. I read a book of poetry, I liked it, and a bunch of other stuff.

Meneses said...

I read The Cat in the Hat....a masterpiece!!!!!!

caroline said...

Okay I also thought Shack was good but started off slow and I am currently reading Three Cups of Tea which is really good. I usually don't like non-fictional pieces but this was is well written and is an exciting story.

Anonymous said...

they still make books????

Anonymous said...

the funnier thing is that they still make pencils. what's that about?

Meneses said...

Who said the Cat In The Hat?? that book is sweet! "I am a cat in a hat, wipe my feet on a matt!" I am currently reading The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by Scott Fitzgerald. It is a pretty interesting book and although I have not finished reading it yet i think the concept is interesting enough to recommend to you!

Anonymous said...

I recently finished reading Brisinger, which was supposed to be the last book in a trilogy, but guess what they lied. For the younger (7 and under) a fun book is The Big Chickens.
I am currently looking for something really great to read.

darrel said...

Baseball fans will enjoy reading SATCHEL by Larry Tye. It hit the bookstores last summer. Do not bother reading IRELAND by Frank Delaney. I don't care that it was a best-seller; it will make you want to give up the practice of reading. I'm currently in the middle of AMERICAN PROMETHEUS, probably the most detailed biography ever on J. Robert Oppenheimer. Now, I don't even care when Connie switches to the Soap channel, because I have this book to read.

alli said...

I decided to give the trashy novels a rest for a while and am about 350 pages into The Pickwick Papers, which for all I know was a trashy novel back in the day. But I like it. (If only I hadn't left it in Woodville.)