The Random Question of the Month

Okay, here it is! The first post of the month is our random question. Thanks to Alli, some of the good ones we could have used are gone. So this will have to do:

What is your hidden talent?

my hidden talent is poetry,
i write bout da sun and rain and snowetry
give me some words an' some time
an i'll give ya diddly that's sure ta ryhme
it's a mad skill ya'll must confess
to talk so ripe and write so fresh!

I just had to bump that one to the front


Anonymous said...

Hey! Enough with the complaining about Alli's random question for January. It drew a record number of responses for random questions, and we all know, well, as I know, Menesesmithereauxley only comments when a blog record is broken. Now, as for me, my hidden talent consists of creating blog names that no one can ever decipher, giving me complete anonymity. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

Anonymous said...

My hidden talent is that i can pick my nose with my toesl Cuooool huh.

Anonymous said...

this is going to go down a totally different direction than originally thought.

Anonymous said...

my hidden talent is pointing out that once you reveal your hidden talent, it will no longer be hidden, thus voiding your answer

Anonymous said...

My hidden talent is answering questions uncreatively...

Anonymous said...

My hidden talent is asking totally awesome random questions. Yeah!

Anonymous said...

your hidden talent is not working when you're at work

Meneses said...

my hidden talent is hanging out all day doing takes alot of dedication but it pays off. Im actually a black belt in it...

Anonymous said...

my hidden talent is making up songs that can on and on and on with no apparent meaning or reason while I drive. it came in very handy that time when my car radio was stolen.

Anonymous said...

my hidden talent is poetry,
i write bout da sun and rain and snowetry
give me some words an' some time
an i'll give ya diddly that's sure ta ryhme
it's a mad skill ya'll must confess
to talk so ripe and write so fresh!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mc-Squared please reveal yourself, you know with Valentine's Day and Susan's wedding soon approaching your talents could be put to the best use!

Anonymous said...

If I say my name
My talent is not hidden
Haiku never tells

Anonymous said...

There was a young fella named Jack
Bent over and showed us his crack
The boy did not care
that his bottom was bare
So I gave it a well-deserved smack

I can't write poetry like MC-Squared, only limericks. It's not much of a talent, I will admit. But I wonder, who else is holding back?

Anonymous said...

I have a grandpa named Darrel.
His name only rhymes with barrel.
I want to insult,
This crazy adult.
But not put my bottom in peril!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! I've been one-upped by a three-year-old.