There Can Be Only One

World Domination 2011

Mike Smith 1 Win
Mark Smith 
Nate Grimsley
Darrel Smith
Greg Favereaux
Doug Grimsley

Other Players:
Gabe Meneses
Arturo Meneses
Juan Meneses
John Meneses 
Joanna Wong

Here's the 2011 list of games played for reference:  Nate 1, Mark 1, Mike 1, Darrel 1, Greg 1, Jim 1


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Don't forget the rules of Risk: No crying, no giving advice, don't ask-don't tell

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you guys are geeks.

Meneses said...

nate is still yet a brides made to red beard once again. mark stopped gabe from invadine and wipping out mike. mark almost gave the game to mike. while gabe tried a new stragity (lol) with the madagacar proving to be an effictive defence but a terrible offence

Anonymous said...

You all have made 2 fatal errors, First never go into a land war in Asia, and secondly, never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line!!!!

Anonymous said...

risk this saturday 1/29/05??? at redbeards or grandpa

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1/29/05 Mark missed the game. Gabe, Ruben, Mike and Darrel carried on. Ruben started by driving Gabe out of Australia. Mike took Gabe out early, perhaps too early. Mike at one time held 6 cards and three continents. Ruben amassed a large force in the Middle East. Darrel was right in between Mike and Ruben, with all his armies in Africa. He employed the "parting of the Red Sea" strategy at the critical moment, which led to victory number 3 for 2005.

Anonymous said...

I coulda been a contenda!! I coulda been a somebody!!

.... from Raging Bull

Meneses said...

In what had to be the most dominating display of dominance in quite sometime, Gabe wipped out the entire smith clan and finished off nate in one single turn. What started out as a death run turned into what can only be described as, sure madness or pure genius. feeling threatend by mike Gabe elected to attack mike and force him to withdraw his force back into Australia or over extend and attack gabe in europe. mike choosing to withdraw instead of overextending. created a quagmire for mark to either attack mike and overextend himself, leaving himself vulnerable to attack from the nordsmen. Mark choose to attempt to build a barricade of massive armies and isolate the nordsmen from attacking. marks fateful error was that he left the Nords one tribe in the mongols in which lunch an attack from. Redbeard and nate, both powerless to finish off mike, traded armies with eachother in the americas leaving the Nordsmen "LICKING THEIR CHOPS" at the possibilites of extracting a pound of flesh from the Aussies. The Nordsmen began a simple attack in an attempted geniocide of the aussies proved to be highly profitable for them. thuse starting in motion a series of event that allowed for a continued piliging and plundering of the smith clan. The clan of the Moose was the next to be devoured by the black Nordsmen. after conquring the moose clan and their vaunted madagascar defence. the Nordsmen of the black Tribe turned to the Clan of the Redbeard they fell in the Americas of the north. As the pilliging continued the bounty became increasing profitable for the Nordsmen. as the last tribe standing was the small and feable clan of Grimsley of the Americas of the south. there fall was enavitable as their three horsemen were engulfed by what can only be discribed as a tsunami of cannons (6) and four calvary men. leaving only One from the Highlands of the Nords to remain standing alone wielding all the power that bestowed upon him. as the Smith clan returned home they were haunted by the echoing laughter of the Nordsmen

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I dont think he will win for a long time

Anonymous said...

A streak ended. Old scores were settled. New grudges were created. A new player entered the group. It was a dramatic but quiet game, with Nate, Darrel, Mark, Mike, and Renee (sorry about the probable misspelling) at the board. Somehow Mark failed to keep his promise to Mike, who earned his first victory of 05.

Anonymous said...

It didn't take long after the Super Bowl for the hangers-on to decide to get in one more game for the weekend. It was the first full board we have had in some time. Nate, Mark, Mike, Darrel were joined by Chris and Alli. Alli played a respectable game, sending Mark out and taking two continents. The win, however, went to Darrel.

Meneses said...

I think you all are crazy. You failed to mention that Ali came in a close second.

Anonymous said...

I think risk would be a better game if they included the lost continent of Atlantis, and the one in possesion was allowed all the magical powers that the sacred Atlantians once held. Oh and if they had this power they could make the people holding South America give all the other players burritos....
That would be cool

PS Nate rules!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nate "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rules...

I like burritos.

Anonymous said...

i always picured you as the takceto type

Anonymous said...

What's a takceto?


Anonymous said...

"I could of been somebody i could of been a contender. not a two bit bum. your my brother you were suppose to lookafter me." was not from radging bull. it was said by Terry Malloy in On the Water frony

Anonymous said...

After the work day ended, a few of us were too tired to Risk. Mike, Darrel and Gabe decided to use the LOTR version. We had been doing a couple of things wrong in that game, so playing with the correct rules caused us to play slowly as we got used to the changes. One thing that didn't change was the suspense...any of the players could have won, it largely depends on who gets to make the last move. It could have been Gabe, and it could have been Mike, but no.

Anonymous said...

You'd have to be a risk taker to eat a takceto.

Anonymous said...

This one is hardly worth reporting. Gabe, Darrel, Mike and Dave tried to get in a game while the baby shower was on...and watch three little boys at the same time. We should have tried Mission Risk. Gabe had to leave early, but Jim Koontz took his place. Then Dave had to leave. We left his 50+ armies sitting in Africa, and said that whoever took them out got his 2 cards. Two cards was not enough incentive to take out Africa, so the remaining players went after each other. Mike took Jim out, and Darrel took out Mike. Dave, you should have had this win, but you didn't, but at least we stayed clear of the six pregnant women at the Smith house.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that the win doesn't count? Are you saying that Redbeard ended up winning? Or was there more than one left at the end of the game?

Anonymous said...

we were all winners for avoiding all those pregnant women. ;)

Anonymous said...

When is the next risk game going to be? Maybe This Saturday night? I figure March has got to be a good month for the green armies.

Anonymous said...

The Return of Dr. Bones!

Nate wins his first game of the year in impressive fashion. In a game that started out pretty slow, due to a discussion of religion and politics, Nate ended up being the one who was able to seize power and cards at the right time. After Mike took Gabe out, Nate was able to capitalize by conquering Mike's armies. This left Mark and Doug scrambling to avoid certain defeat.
Nate put on over 100 armies and and easily defeated Mark's men, but had a much rougher time with Doug's smaller army. Using a lazyman's rolling technique and refusing to take his own men off the board, Doug gave a good fight to give nate a difficult time. And in a game Nate had said he would make an early exit, he ends up making the final exit.

Anonymous said...

In what can only be described as a dumbinating display of dumbinance... The April Fool's Day game was a laugher. It started late--11:00, and moved slowly. After the first round, Gabe, Mark, Doug, and Darrel held continents. Only Mike was left to scramble for leftovers. As the clock approached 2:30 am, Darrel was working up to the "There can only be one" moment, he forgot about one--one tiny little yellow figure in Scandinavia. That one was all Doug needed to collect about 700 armies and finally get on the winner's list.

Anonymous said...

Well it could have been Gabe pulling off the win, and writing another long victory post. He had over 90 armies on the board at one time. In a game where every body built up that just wasn't enough. Doug managed to take me out, then survive an attack from Redbeard. Nice win Doug. Look forward to having you back at the table again.

Anonymous said...

I think the new rule should be that while playing risk you should refer to each other in your conquerer names:

Darrel the Redbeard
Gabes Khan
NAtila the Hun
Carl Marksmith
Mahatma Dougi

Anonymous said...

On Father's Day June 19th The Favereaux's held a Risk match in Shafter.
The result was that Daryle didn't win.


Anonymous said...

That would have been a fun match to be involved with. I've heard stories about Harrison, but never had the chance to play with him. So who ended up with the win??

Anonymous said...

The Gr3g was victorious

Anonymous said...

When will Gabonia rise again??

Anonymous said...

perhaps Gabonia will rise again out of your ashes, and conquer the world through the back door of your countries. in the war room a gabes house

Anonymous said...

I heard about a game in September, which was won by Art Jr. I wasn't there, but I heard that the Mainer kicked butt. He said he was good, and now his California cousins have to admit it. Darrel

Meneses said...

There, I admitted it. I do also want to note that Gabe's War Room is a pretty cool place to play risk.

Anonymous said...

November 23.... very late at night... in Woodville....LOTR Trilogy version....Nate, Mike, Darrel, and Gabe....The King has returned

Anonymous said...

March 31, 2006. Nate, Doug, Gabe, Mike, and Darrel. Gabe discovered that Great Britain can be attacked from four sides. The tie is broken. There can only be one.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again....You guys are all geeks.
And this time I mean it.

Anonymous said...

NATE WINS AGAIN NATE WINS AGAIN, in a blood bath with the red beard

Meneses said...

Congratulations to MEEEEEE!!!! I finally broke through and got a win in the Lord of the Rings Risk game on christmas eve night. The players were Mike, Greg (first LR risk game), Red Beard, and Me(nate). Mike had a really strong game and would have won if he would have been able to roll high enough to move the ring to the ending position, but he wasnt able to, and i was able to sweep through his depleted armies and end my turn and roll high enough to move the ring to end the game. Due to the fact that i NEVER win I had to make a posting and let everyone know i finally got my first and probably last win in Lord of the Rings Risk. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONNNNEEE!!!!

Anonymous said...

So we got another game finally going on Feb 29th. Greg, Mike, Nate and Myself (Mark) sat down for a game that lasted quite a while and really anyone could have won. Like I said that night it's always a good game when I win, and I have to say this was a very good game. Chalk one up for the Green Army.

Anonymous said...

Two Mission Risk games tonight!! The first one I won with the green armies with some good luck and timing. The second one Mike won, with some good strategery and a little controversy. I won't get into all the details here, but I will say that if you ever play poker with Mike watch for something up his sleeves.
Doug nearly pulled off the second game quickly but he ran into some bad luck and good rolling from Redbeard, who had a difficult mission involving Asia and couldn't get thing established there.
So a win for Mark and a win for Mike, but there could not be only one.

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving holiday games have favored the old, experienced players. It's just like, did anyone really expect Seattle to beat Dallas? In a game of world domination, of course Darrel beat Mike, Mark, and Nate. Then on Thanksgiving night, while some people charged to the malls, Darrel bested Mike and Jim in a game of LOTR Risk.

Anonymous said...

why because we never have a Wii tournament? that would be cool.... and there can only be one

Anonymous said...

Me, my dad, and Mike played the new version of Risk on Saturday. And well, of course, . . . I WON!! Someone at the table made one of the most classic blunders of all time. Ask him about it next time you see him. I won't mention any names, but he's got a beard, and it's red.

Anonymous said...

March 25th we were able to get another game together. Once again it was the new version, which may be known as Blunder Risk, or Risky Risk. Nate played for the first time so it was only natural that he would win. The new version really is pretty quick, it lasted about an hour and only 3 rounds. Welcome back to the winner's circle, Nate.

mark said...

we played mission risk on August 10th and Redbeard won. Doug, Mike and myself all played and didn't see it coming until too late.

mark said...

The game was played July 7th. Mike, Mark, Redbeard, Nate, and "first-timer" Joanna. It was a memorable game, that Nate eventually won.
Somehow I'll have to revamp this part of the blog, it will only help if we play more games.

mark said...

Last night out in Woodville, we had our second game of the summer. To go along with the Smith Clan, Nate and Greg played as well. Things moved steady if not slowly until Nate forced the big shift in the game. Trying a nearly impossible move of taking out the UKRAINE under control of the Redbeard, he paved the way for the Green Moose to take control. Once again this was a game that was not won easily, but in the end Mark defeated Greg, then Mike to claim victory.

mark said...

September 18 2009:
Last night we got a late game in. Mike, Nate, Redbeard, and myself (badbeard), played for world domination. My dad was stuck in a bad spot so the game really was going to be between Mike, Nate, and myself. Just when it looked like Mike might pull out the win, Nate destroyed his troops. I was then able to take finish the job, even though I nearly had a disaster taking Nate's well spread force. This one makes two in a row, and I'll take it even if I didn't deserve to win.

mark said...

So I suppose we have to post an update. After the Christmas party we had a six player game, which is never good news. So Jim (King of Kamchatka) Koontz, Nate, Darrel, Mike, Greg and myself all set out to dominate the world. Greg once again looked like he could win the game, until Mike decided to make a run and take out, in order Greg, Nate, and Mark who sat on a combined 12 cards. Needless to say with these 12 cards came many many reinforcements and a victory. So while Greg can say he played a good game, Mike can say, "There Can Be Only One!!"

Anonymous said...

2012 is halfway done, and we've barely had one or two Risk games the whole year. We can do better!!!!
The one bright spot is the Risk scene is young Connor, yes, you read that correctly, young Connor Craven. The lad had been asking to be included in the Risk society for some time now, and on his 10th birthday his parents presented him with his very own Risk game. And not just any old Risk, but the original version! Wooden cubes, old school rules, and small board. Connor is learning fast, too. On July 27, while most of you were watching the English read Shakesphere and rip up grass, Connor was coming in second to his uncle Mike. He did not cry.

Connor said...

Its me the new player Connor and yes I did enter the 2013 christmas eve risk game and came in fourth. Let me tell you me tale of woe
Red beard came in third and Greg came in second. In the end Mark came in first. I had started out well, growing my armies till i had the biggest on the map, but i had spread them to thin witch made me vulnerable. Mark, Greg, and Redbeard
took this as an advantage and took out half of my troops. I was rebuilding my army when Redbeard
attacked Moose in the northern western terretory and was defeated. then Greg did a daring move and attacked Redbeard in Egypt and won, giving him the chance to attack Africa but lost a major amount of armies in congo
. Mark attacked Greg at Great Britten and won. mean while i had regrouped my armies enough to have a chance, but i made a bad move. i had kamchacta and was moving into alaska were mark had his base. i moved in for the kill but forgot to leave armies behind me. the result was a massacre to terrible to speak of. in the end mark eliminated me and every one else and won. (MORAL: plan then do)
\From connor

Darrel said...

Connor has been wanting a Risk nickname. I have suggested Vic, short for victim, and FOO, an acronym for First One Out. Can anyone help Connor out?

Unknown said...

haha i think he should go ancient roman maybe something like youngus bratticus or the gree version bratacles