It's top secret shhhhhhhhhhhh!

Its top secret, has anyone heard what David and Maria Grimsley are having??? I have been sworn to secrecy ;) so call David and Maria if you want to know all we need is one more boy and we have a full lineup for the woodville 9 baseball team.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and I suppose only boys can play; is that what you are saying, Hootie?

Anonymous said...

Greg From SD Writes:

Sorry if this isn't posted in the right spot, but I just wanted everyone to know that this year the Chargers will be hosting the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday September 11:00am. I know we have some Cowboy fans who will be interested in seeing Bill Parcells and Drew Bledso lose. If you are interested in going let me know. Tickets won't go on sale until around May. I will also be speaking with my boss concerning room rates at my hotel.

Anonymous said...

What Sunday is it?