question of the month

I myself have been guilty of neglecting the like to see it return to its glory days.  So my question deals with the life of the blog.  Has facebook killed the blog????? Respond if you still check in from time to time. Merry christmas.


mark said...

Short answer: yes. Facebook became a quicker more convenient way to stay connected, even if not as meaningful as the blog could be.

Anonymous said...

From East Coast Meneses
Uncle Art

Yes, Mark I do think that face book has taken away from the blog, but I like the blog better, because I’m not very tech smart and I don’t want to be on face book, my problem is that I can never remember how to post things on the blog. There have been times that I’ve wanted post photos or just let you all know how good it is to a member of SOX Nation. I’m with you, lets bring the blog back to it’s glory days

Unknown said...

i still check the blog. it's something that i feel like lets me post family oriented things like my wedding info. but yeah facebook has become more convenient. to me though the blog is also cool cause unlike facebook posts don't get lost and you can always come back to look at it

Alli said...

The blog is still my home page.

doug said...

glad the blog is hanging in there...perhaps a brain storm session of how to bring it back to the forefront is in order...perhaps around a risk board

mark said...

One thing people can do is to clink on the subscribe button on the home page. This way they can get email updates when we have a new post.

Unknown said...

yeah i've subscribed to it and get email alerts for all new posts so that keeps it more relevant to me as well as having it on my bookmark pages

Darrel said...

I suspect that Facebook murdered thousands of blogs, especially after it included the ability to create groups, so that private segments of society like our family could freely communicate our ideas and events. Also, it is so easy to use! I don't have to prove that I am not a robot! On Facebook, I could be a robot and who would care. That being said, the blog has a personality that I enjoy; it is uniquely ours, and it has that history that Mike alluded to.

darrel said...

No matter how many times you tell me how to post to the blog, I will remember the method for 3 seconds. If I write it down, I will lose the notes in 3 minutes. Same if you email it to me. Maybe the directions should be posted on the front page of the blog.

Greg said...

Its been a while since I checked the blog, but as long as its around I'll check it out.

The Nate said...

Just like video killed the radio star, facebook has killed the blog.

Anonymous said...

Do i still check the blog? oh, only EVERY DAY I GET AVAILABILITY TO THE INTERNET. witch is just about, Every day.