Another Random Question

If you could choose any career other than you Current one what would it be?


Doug said...

I think I would choose farmer or rancher

darrel said...

Tough question! One one hand, we could answer this by just saying I wanna be president, or I wanna pitch for the Dodgers, while ignoring all the work and the talent needed to go make it that far into a career. Would I really want to go back and dedicate my whole life toward one of those lofty goals, all those years, knowing that my chances of making it to the top are just about zero? How about all those young players who never make it into the pro ranks. All those public servants who never become president. So, I guess I like what I'm doing, but I sometimes wish I had started earlier. On the other hand, writing limericks for ESPN magazine would be a great job.

Alli said...

Easy! A photographer for National Geographic, or a war photographer

david said...

I tried my whole life to be a pro baseball player! now i would like to be a photographer!

Officer Scrapes said...

I know this might sound kinda strange, but I always wondered what it would be like to be an attack dog.

mark said...

My response to my dad is this, if you work your whole life to become President or Pro athlete and you don't succeed, then you become their critic. That's what journalism is for. That being said, wouldn't it be fun to the Dodgers beat writer? I would hate to be the Giants guy. Poor sucker.

The Nate said...

I'm not exactly sure what i would do if i could do anything i wanted to do but i am 90 percent sure that it would involve scuba diving in a tropical location. Maybe a dive guide or a scuba shop owner in an exotic place. yeah that sounds about right!!! Or i wouldn't mind being that poor sucker who writes for the giants! that would be fantastic for me :) I would bag on the dirty dodgers every chance i get, but since i kinda do that anyway i guess that wouldnt really be a dream job. As far as president goes, yeah i would hate that job so if i were you uncle darrel i would stick to the espn limericks! This isn't a sports limerick but......
Heres a limerick for you uncle darrel!

A flea and a fly in a flue

Were caught, so what could they do?

Said the fly, "Let us flee."

"Let us fly," said the flea.

So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

doug said...

AM sports show host on the radio wouldnt be bad either

mike said...

professional fly fisherman

caroline said...

I would like to be the part time Rec leader at a Club Med resort - ahhhh.... Second pick would be writer for a soap opera.

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to be an astronaut. In fact I even thought about enlisting in the service, except I was to short to be a pilot. The other thing I think about doing is writing poetry.

mark said...

I always thought being an astronaut would be cool too. But then I watched the NASA channel a few times and learned that most of their days seem to be spent looking at computer models and not in space. But it sure would be nice to see Earth from the moon once, right?
Oh yeah and I would plant a Dodgers flag on the moon.

The Nate said...

thats where the dodgers belong mark! on the moon :) "ONE OF THESE DAYS DODGERS, ONE OF THESE DAYS POOOOWWW TO THE MOON"

darrel said...

There once was a Dodger named Penny
who pitched for some wins but not many
Got used up in Boston
looked like he was 'bout done
but the Giants think Brad's still got plenty

Anonymous said...

I think it would have been nice to be a super hero. You know, be faster than a speeding bullet, shoot laser beams from my eyes, have access to the latest technologies. Dreams, dreams, dreams...

Jim said...

A doctor or maybe a physician's assistant

Anonymous said...

commissioner of both mlb and the nfl. I'd bring back alot of the traditions that made the games what they were. Give it back to the blue collar worker.
Ronnie Staubach

Unknown said...

I would be a pilot!