Happy Halloween!!

I'm going to bombard you with pictures again, so here goes. If you have any others send them to me so I can put them up here. Thanks, we hope you all had a safe and fun weekend. . .

Drew was going for the candy even if he didn't know what it was.

Here's a not so scary Jack O' Lantern.

Josh and Connor had a great time driving around trick or treating.

Paxton the Lion got to go trick or treating, but his mom will probably eat the candy.

So we all had a good time trick or treating and watching football afterwards. Thanks to Gabe and Lisa for inviting us over for a fun halloween.


Liz, Megan and Rachel will be here for Christmas.
With Liz and the girls coming home, lets make it a special Christmas for them.
If you would like to get something for the girls I'll post a wish list with sizes.

Abram Jose Grimsley

Congratulations to Scott and Veronica on the new baby boy!!! He was born last Sunday? Sorry it's taken so long to get a new post on here. I was hoping we'd have a picture to share up here, but I haven't been able to get one yet. If anyone has one I hope they'd send it to me. Good luck Mateo with the new brother.

Sawyer Duncan Koontz!!

Sawyer Duncan Koontz is here!! He arrived today sometime after 6:00 pm. Here's the first of many pictures that will find there way up onto the blog. He's a very cute guy, and the family is all doing well.

More Good News

First of all, a big Happy Birthday to Lisa, her special day is Friday October 7th. Give her a call and wish her a Happy Birthday!

I have some really great news to share. Danielle is engaged! She and her fiance Kevin have taken the plunge and set a date. May 17th, 2008, so we have lots of time to save to make the trip. Let's pray that they can come out soon so we can meet this guy.
Congratulations Danielle and Kevin. We are all really happy for you.

October News

Well, we're still waiting for the new babies to arrive. Caroline is scheduled to deliver on Thursday, and I haven't heard news on Veronica. But soon we should have two more little boys in the family. If you have any news post it here so we can pass it along.
We should have some new pictures to put up by the weekend. . .

. . . Any news on Liz and the girls??? If someone is organizing a care package will they let us know how to help?

Okay, well everyone take care.