Happy Thanksgiving

Well sorry I'm a bit late with this post, but I hope everyone from Maine to down South, back to California had a wonderful holiday. I'll have some pictures from Woodville to post soon, but I would really love to get family pictures from all over the place so we can share some of Thanksgiving here. . .

If you want to send a picture just email them to me and I'll put them up, I've been a little slow lately, but I will get them posted. Also if you want to let us know what your part of the family did please let us know by posting a comment. Thanks again, I'll be waiting for pictures.
Do you think this guy enjoyed Thanksgiving?

Paxton tried out the mashed pototoes, he said they were yummy.
Okay these aren't from thanksgiving, but the kid is dang cute.
Mateo and Cap'n Josh
Hello Andrew!

Mother Daughter

Hey ladies. Save the date. We are planning to have the Mother Daughter luncheon on December 10th! More information will follow.

Abram Jose Grimsley

Posted by Picasa Here's a great picture of the little dude sleeping.

I finally got to meet Abram Jose Grimsley. So here we get the first ever pictures of him on the Meneses Spot Posted by Picasa

Paxton's Baptismal

Paxton was baptized on Saturday in Tulare. A bunch of us got together later to eat a big lunch in Terra Bella. Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa
Here's a picture of Jim and Sawyer from a few weeks ago that I thought I could put up here.