Last Weekend

Here's a few pictures from last weekend. I should have a few more to post later. We all we glad to meet our cousin Juan. Hopefully he can make it out for another visit, and keep us posted on how things are going in Monterey.
Doug, Nate, and "J.P." were posing for pictures

I'm not quite sure what Mateo was doing here.

It's a bird! It's a plane! Actually that's close, it was two helicopters.


I have heard that Juan is in the neighborhood. I hope he had a good time! Things are Maine are going ok. The days are getting longer which is nice. I am refinding the love for my job, and I am beginning to work on my teaching certification in Maine, planning on heading west after. Who knows?

I hope all is well. Take care!


Most of you know that Juan Patrick is living in Monterey right now, going to the language school for the Army. Caroline has been in contact with him and is going to bring him here over President's day weekend. I know most of you haven't met him yet and if you have been waiting for an opportunity here it is. We are going to have a Barbeque on Sunday the 19th at Connie and Darrel's house. Things will get started about 2pm and everyone is invited. If you would like to bring something, that would be great just email Allison or Caroline and let us know. If you know someone in the family who doesn't read the blog but you think would want to be there, please give them a call and let them know what's going on. We hope to see you all there so that you get a chance to meet Juan and he gets a chance to meet his family.
