World Famous Woodville Union Elementary School built was back in the 1940's hasn't changed all that much.

Another funny Halloween picture (I hope). In the background you can see what used to Rosso's. It was once an Italian restaurant, now it's the most hideous looking building in town.

Here is an everyday photo of Woodville, you can see the Pentecostal Church that is across the street from Grandpa's house in the background.

This church has certainly changed. It's been resmodeled, they've parked trailors in the huge lot, and they even televise their services.

Next to the park there is now a Nursery. They grow all kinds of things, you can even buy trees that are totally unidentifiable.


Anonymous said...

when connie went to woodville they won wverything there, the flag football, basketball, and the baseball tourney, They had guys named alfsno and jessue guzman brothers, tony sanchez, just to name a couple.

Woodville also won it all back in 1970 with guys named rance mulinnics, he went om to get a world seris ring with toronto, sammy martinez, leroy hubble. the vossler cousins, ty and jimmy, matt qatiker,.

There were two bars Meeks and the wagon wheel.

Back in the sixites cotton was king.

Anonymous said...

The hardware store was called Mr Hughes, there were two bars in to the one next to Mr. Hughes was called the wagon wheel and the other was called meek's place. Woodville had some guys that could play. I think the Coach that started the change a guy named Morton. If you ever been to the ball field at poplar there a kid named Tommy Smith and another named Penrod, saw him hit a ball off the light tower half way up dead center field.