Happy Birthday Cathi

Friday December 3rd was Cathi's birthday. She has now reached the big 2-4. I just wanted to tell her happy birthday and extend the opportunity to others in the family.

By the way, if anyone else has a birthday coming up this month please pass it on here. I know that Uncle Harrison's is coming up, but with the size of our family I'm sure there must be more and I apologize for forgetting.


Alli said...

Happy Birthday Cathi! I'm glad you could make it to the M/D Luncheon today, we always have fun when you're around.
I think that Arturos birthday is also coming up this month. Elvia knows all the birthdays I think.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is Darrel. Oh wait, Cathi wouldn't know who that is. Mr. Smith, okay? Happy Birthday, Cathi!

Meneses said...

Hey happy birthday Cathy. Looking forward to you being part of family. See you soon.
Ron, John, Jae