Another birthday

suzie wanted to let people know that liam's birthday was the 26 of January as well.
a side bar for Lisa and gabe, Lisa is doing good the baby is doing well. She is beginning to get a little uncomfortable. The baby is going to be a boy for those who have not heard. Josue is doing good although his diet exist of two eggs, toast and a glass of milk for breakfast. Second breakfast at daycare is usually two or three pancakes and juice. then 10:00 o'clock snack then lunch, after nap he get another snack then he comes home and has a piece of fruit before dinner. the dinner. Then after bath he gets two eggs and cheese for a bed time snack.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Liam. As for Josh, no wonder he has to grunt, just kidding Gabe. At least Lisa can be happy that she won't have to go through the summer, like Maria, Alli, and Cathi.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Liam! who old?? what grade??