Baby Shower for Lisa Meneses

In case you haven't heard, or need an update, we are going to throw a shower for Lisa. All of the Meneses ladies are invited to attend and we hope you'll be there. The info is as follows:
Monday February 21st, President's Day
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Connie's house
We're going to have a nice dinner together to celbrate Lisa and Gabe's upcoming edition.
For gift ideas, Lisa and Gabe don't really need any clothes thanks to generous friends and Josh's extensive wardrobe. What they do need are diapers in all sizes, Lisa prefers to use HUGGIES and Josh is in a size six right now. They would also appreciate gift cards to places like Target, WalMart or SaveMart.
Another great thing you could do for them, and we hope you will, is to offer to bring over a frozen dinner, or a hot meal after the baby is born so that Lisa and Gabe can spend more time taking care of eachother and their children.
Please RSVP to Allison or Caroline, or you can respond right here on the blog. Take care everyone! See you there!

1 comment:

Meneses said...

Cathi wants to know if you want her to bring anything. You can post it here, or just give her a call.