February Birthdays

Happy Birthday to everyone in February!!!

I'll start with those I know and keep adding as I find more. Darrel Smith is on the first, so happy birthday dad. Then we have Liz, Elvia, Nate, Mark, and I'm already drawing a blank. I'm sure there are more, so once again let me know and post them here because I'm sure there are more.


Koontz fam said...

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Love ya,

Caroline, Jim, Everett

Anonymous said...

Cathi says happy birthday old-timer.

Meneses said...

happy birthday all you Febs...I heard you were trying to steal the year birthday party away from the august people but that will never happen!! -----oh yeah extended family member Jareds bday is in feb...


Alli said...

Amanda Meneses has a birthday this month too (on the 12th) She needs some prayers right now due to health problems.

Meneses said...

Doug if talk to Jared let him know that Cathi and I said Happy Birthday.