Work Day & BBQ

I talked with Dad and he would like to reclaim his backyard from the left over construction material and junk that is back there as well as finish putting up the fence. I was wondering we could find a consensus on a Saturday that soon that everyBODY could meet to get it all done in one day and hall everything to the dump. Then BBQ efter we were done . I understand work scheduals need to be considered but even if you could come out after work any and all help would be appreciated. the second saturday in Feb is the one that I have in mind.
February 12th early in the morning please come and help out and eat some BBQ


Anonymous said...

I should be able to make it that day. It shouldn't be that bad if we can get a bunch of us there together. Cathi's offering to make lumpia. See you soon. Which one of my uncles/aunts wrote this post?

Alli said...

I would like to volunteer Chris to help out. I'm sure as long as there is lumpia there and BBQ, he'll be happy to be there.

Koontz fam said...

I will also volunteer Jim's services, because I know I absolutely have to work that day, but Everett can spend some time with the Koontz's and Jim can do some manual labor!! We will send down some sodas as well.