Josue's Birthday

I just wanted to invite everyone to joshes birthday. Its going to be on the april-2 he is going to turning 2 we are going to bbq and have a bounce house. we would like all his cousins to be there. its going and second cousins it going to be up in sprinville thers a pond to fish maybe horseshoes two. I'll email direction or mail to you. its a saturday @ 12:30


Anonymous said...

sounds good, is that a friday, saturday?? Horseshoes would be great.

Alli said...

Chris, Connor and Alli will be there. So, who's going to ref the bounce house?

Koontz fam said...

We (Jim, Caroline, Everett) will also be there. What can we bring? Also, is this a private pond that charges a fee for fishing, or do you need a license?