Happy Birthday Andrea, Happy Graduation Danielle

Tomorrow is Andreas birthday and I want to wish her a happy one from the family. We haven't heard from her in a while and hope she is doing well, and hope to see or hear from her soon.
Some of you may have gotten an email from Danielle giving you a little update about her life, if not here are some details. Danielle will be graduating in just a few weeks. She'll be getting her degree in journalism on May 14th. She really wants to come out this summer and introduce her boyfriend to her family. I think it would be a great graduation gift if you are thinking of giving her one, to send her money to help fund her trip. I have her current address if anybody wants it, please just call or email me. I know we are all really proud of her and happy for her. Congratulations Danielle!

Maria And Harisons new Home

If anyone would like the faveraux new address ley me know or uncle gabe and we will email it to you with there phone number. i dont think that it would good idea that just anybody who view this our site over the net actually have personel information like addresses and phone #. any way congrates to the Faveraux on the Beutiful New home we are so happy for you. email a picture of it to mark and he can post it to the site.

Andrew Ryan is here!!!

He was born 04-13-05, at 12:49 pm. his length is 21 in. and wieghed in at 10.05 lbs.
mom and baby are doing fine. after a couple of scares the doctor held us a bit longer than we wanted to run a couple of test on mom and baby. the test came back clear but he wants to do a few follow-up with andre. pictures will be posted soon. pray that things go well tommorow

Joshua's two now

thanks to every one that came joshes birthday lisa and i said that it was lots of fun we hope that you all had a good time. we are still waitng for the next baby to come he should be here any day now. lisa and i want to do that again but it will be a couple years so that the baby can have fun. ( if you have pictures could you please email them to me or post them or both lisa forgot our camera) thanks G.M.
P.S. maybe next we can have everybody there and send out advanced planning.