June Birthdays?

Okay, I need help again with this month. Who's got a birthday in June? There's some of you out there, but I can't remember who. So if you have any of the names, please pass them on here.

Happy Birthday to all who were born in June!

By the way, does anyone know if Raquel is having a boy or girl? If you do, let us know.

Also congrats are in order for Dannielle and Juan Meneses on their graduations.


Anonymous said...

Quartnie Funk has a birthday this month! Happy Birthday Quartnie.

Anonymous said...

Quartnie's birthday is the 22nd and Brenna's birthday is the 26th. Happy Birthday.

Anonymous said...

June 19, Paxton Christopher Smith

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Quartnie and to Brenna. Hope you two have great days.
Also, Congratulations Mark and Cathi. You have a beautiful, baby boy.

Anonymous said...

Not even Raquel and Rudy know if it's a boy or a girl... Sorry