Baby Shower

Veronica and Caroline shared a baby shower at the Favereaux's house this past Saturday. Everyone had fun scrapbooking.

I just want to personally say to both Caroline and Vero, hurry up and have those babies already!

Everett's Two

Everett turned 2 on the 26th of August. Here's a picture of the little man with his cousins and his Aunties.

Bree Haven Grimsley

Congratulations David and Maria! I've finally had a picture sent so this is my first look at the newest little Grimsley. She's a cute little one and at least to me, she does look more like David. I can't wait to get to meet her in person. I still don't know if I'm spelling her name right, so if anyone knows please feel free to correct me. If anyone else has pictures please send them to me so I can get them posted. We hope Dave and Maria are having fun (and getting sleep) with their new child.

Baby Showers

Meneses women are getting to do a whole lot of bonding this year. They'll have another opportunity August 27 at Maria Favereaux's house in Shafter. Caroline Koontz and Veronica Grimsley are both having little boys, what a surprise! The theme for this shower will be scrap booking. Fun starts at 4 o'clock and you can call Maria or Elvia to RSVP.

The dress looks great on you Susan! It looks like everyone had a good time at Cathi's shower in Terra Bella.

I had to post this one of Lisa and Andrew, we haven't seen a new picture of his in a while.

I think this is the picture that was being requested.


I hear that Nate's in the lead in the fishing derby this year. Doug's probably right behind him. And now we have a new name to add to the board. Connor caught his first two fish up in Dunsmuir, California. He might not be beating Nate any time soon, but he could pass me pretty soon. If you have any other fishing pictures be sure to send them to me so I can post them.


More Congrats!!!

Rudy and Raquel just had their brand new baby boy!! The new baby's name is Marco Guerrero and he weighed in at over 8 pounds and was 19 inches at birth. Of course, I think the name was a good choice. Another boy, who would have guessed it? Well congratulations to the Guerrero family, we can't see to see the new little dude. We'll have more details and hopefully pictures later.

According to my mom the baby was born on the 18th.