Baby Showers

Meneses women are getting to do a whole lot of bonding this year. They'll have another opportunity August 27 at Maria Favereaux's house in Shafter. Caroline Koontz and Veronica Grimsley are both having little boys, what a surprise! The theme for this shower will be scrap booking. Fun starts at 4 o'clock and you can call Maria or Elvia to RSVP.

The dress looks great on you Susan! It looks like everyone had a good time at Cathi's shower in Terra Bella.

I had to post this one of Lisa and Andrew, we haven't seen a new picture of his in a while.

I think this is the picture that was being requested.


Anonymous said...

whats the dog doin in the background???

Anonymous said...

Where's the picture of Ritu. We thought she looked great in her wedding dress!