
Connor the Good little Ring Bearer

Here's Grandma Connie and Jack

Here's Grandma Lily and Pax

Nate giving the Look

This wasn't at the Wedding, but it's a great picture of Josh and Drew

Thank You

Cathi and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who came to the wedding, and for all the help everyone gave. We hope you all had a good time, we'll remember the day forever.

If you have any pictures of the wedding please do email them to me so I can put them up here. I don't want to look conceited by only putting up pictures of us. Thanks again, I promise not to get emotional this time


Something for Aunt Liz

I wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to bring a card to the wedding for Aunt Liz. I'll do the rounds with it and everyone can sign it and give her a message. If you also want to put some cash in it, we will get an address and send it to her and the girls right away. Even if you can't give any cash, please sign it, I'm sure knowing everyone is thinking of them will give them comfort. They were only able to take one suticase each so they are probably in need of a lot of things.
See you all at the wedding.

Happy Birthday John

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to John Meneses today. We all hope you had a great day and have many more to come.

We also want Aunt Liz and the girls to know that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Liz and the girls are safe and staying in Tennesee. The next few months are going to undoubtedly be very difficult for them and they are going to need continued support from us. If anyone would like to arrange to do something for them, we think that would be a good idea. Put it up on the blog or send out an email.
