Something for Aunt Liz

I wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to bring a card to the wedding for Aunt Liz. I'll do the rounds with it and everyone can sign it and give her a message. If you also want to put some cash in it, we will get an address and send it to her and the girls right away. Even if you can't give any cash, please sign it, I'm sure knowing everyone is thinking of them will give them comfort. They were only able to take one suticase each so they are probably in need of a lot of things.
See you all at the wedding.


Anonymous said...

That's a great idea Alli. If you want to have the DJ make some kind of announcement I'm sure we could do that too.

Go2dMax said...

Just finished reading the latest family blog.. Thanks for all the support. I wished I could have read it soon but believe it or not my telephone service just went back on line yesterday.

Go2dMax said...

I also wanted to let you know how grateful Rachel, Megan and I are especially the thought of the family wanting to help us out but "Thankfully" we as a family have been bless.
My home had some minimal structual damage and I do need a new roof ( three large pinetrees decided to take a nap on my home) but considering everything we are so grateful that we have a house to come home to.

Go2dMax said...

I am sure most of you have read and saw pictures of this most devasting event that took place. As I write this I still can't believe that I was still in the midst of some very hectic and frightening days. The girl and I returned home four days after the storm to see what type of damage we were face with. The events that took place afterward are both still upsetting and very emotional.
We take so many thing in life for granted. The girls and I were without power for days. Gas lines were hours long if we could even get any. Red Cross meals and MRE's became a delicacy. I remember the moment our power was turn on and the first time our phone rang. My spirits were lifted by just the breeze of cool air against my face from the swirling blades of my living room fan. It so strange how we take these comforts so lightly.
No photo's on the internet nor any on the television set can ever tell you the true story of what took place in this region.

Go2dMax said...

I guess I could go on with hours of conversation about this event but in short I just wanted to let you know that finanically the girls and I are fine. We REALLY dont need anything ( you must know that I'm smart enough to save for a rainy day) all we need are your prayers. Not only for ourselves but for the countless numbers of people who have lost so much more.

God Bless

Koontz fam said...


So glad to hear that you are back home. We have all been thinking of you often.