Meneses Spot

Hey All

We just found this site and decided to try to send something.

First off we hope you all had a Happy Healthy Holiday season!

Everything is fine in Maine. Cold!! I have never gotten used to the cold weather. I guess there is still too much California blood in me.
We had a nice holiday. We had a Mexican feed with Arturo, Danielle, and Kevin (Danielle's fiance...we like him a lot) and then spent some time with Beth's family.

I went to New Orleans to volunteer for the VA for a week, came back to Maine for a few weeks and then went to Arkansas for two weeks for a training. I am now a weapons instructor. Always liked my guns. I came back to Maine a week before Christmas and worked four 16 hour days in a row. That's why I didn't get my Christmas cards out this year.

New Orleans was interesting. I got to see my sister Liz which was really nice. The devastation down there is really hard to explain. We really need to count our blessings. While there we had to stay on a ship for our accomodations and it turned out the ship we stayed on was a ship from Maine. It was funny. I brought back a DVD of some of the damage that was done there.

I hope you are all doing well. I miss everyone espeically around the holidays. I also miss the tamales!

Love and God Bless to All!

Crazy Uncle Art


Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Art,
Nice to hear from you. You should email pictures when you get a chance, I think everyone would like that.

Koontz fam said...

Great hearing from you! This is turning into a real family blog.