Super Bowl Party??

Well it's getting close to another Super Bowl Sunday with nobody's favorite teams involved, but has anyone got ideas for a Super Bowl Party this year? Last year we had way too much good food and Cathi took home a nice prize at the end of the night, hopefully we can do something similar. Feel Free to chime in with ideas.


UPDATE: Maria and Harrison are hosting a Super Bowl Party and would like to have everyone over, if you can make it let us know here, or give them a call.

Also for those into scrapbooking, Maria is planning a scrapbooking party for one of the days during President's Day Weekend. I don't think the date is set yet, so again call her for details.

Well, spread the word, hope to see everyone soon.


Anonymous said...

Connie and Darrel say "yes". We are up for it! Actually, Connie is in LA, so I'm using a metaphorical "we", but all the same...
Now, how about all those crying Cowboy fans?

Anonymous said...

Now, now those were tears of joy. i mean they had something the 40whiners didn't have?? a winning record. or were they tears for the 40whiners i mean who goes from almost having the #1 pick to the #7 in a flip of a coin?? oh well must have been 2headed coin an the whiners picked

Anonymous said...

you know i'll be there! if not for the game, the goodies :-)