good news from boston

Hey everyone on the west coast-

Kevin and I have made a very important decision we are coming out to california in a little over a year we are planning on a trip may 21-may 31!!! it will be right after kevin's graduation and we are both really excited, but he is nervous to meet you you better be nice:-p we are planning on buying our tickets in april so please let us know if this is not a good time...i can't wait to see everyone and it will be a nice to finally introduce kevin to all of you. I can't wait, i wish we were coming out this may

love you all-
danielle and kevin


Anonymous said...

that's great news. we look forward to seeing you again and meeting kevin

Anonymous said...

Hey what happend to Steve???? LOL;) just kiddig cant waite to meet him maybe we can go shooting, opps, ;) no seriously cant waite to meet him..
--Uncle gabe

Meneses said...

gabe- i thought i told you to be nice!!! and you'll love him

Koontz fam said...

May is a good time in CA. We don't usually have a spring, but some years it is still under 95 in May. Can't wait to see you!