Greetings From Maine


Anonymous said...

this could be starting a war of pictures, Where does Ron fit into all this?

Anonymous said...

Under the must be this tall to ride sign at Disneyland?

Meneses said...

hey art, i know that you are now part of the information super highway, but you look more like super highway road kill. ;o LOL. and ron is so short that he couldn't even get past the must this tall sighn to get into disney land, but he was able to fit into my pocket and sneak in. what are you laghing at art you are not much taller then ron.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gab
you might be the youngest, but your still the ugly one, if your better half gets her eyes fixed you'll learn if it's true love or not.

your older, handsome, and dad's number one son. LOL


Meneses said...

but then again your are living proof that love is not only blind it's, deaf, and has no sense of smell or depth perception.