Fun at the BallGame

Friday night a bunch of us went down to watch the Dodgers-Giants game. It's not important who won but that it was a fun time, we need to do it again and hopefully get even more of the family to go next time.

For Jack and Paxton it was their first time at a Dodger Game. I think Jack at a whole Cotton Candy, and Paxton tried his first Dodger Dog.

3/4 of the Grimsley Clan made it down, further down you see Alli not watching the game.
We had a fun time even though Paxton didn't really care what was going on with the game.
Connor and Chris got to go down to the field before the game. I heard they were on the Diamond Vision, traffic was bad so some of missed that part. All in all, it was a fun night. There was a lot of our family there and more friends too. Barry Bonds played, but didn't homer. I'll let you commenters talk about who won and who lost. If anyone else wants to send a picture, you can always email them to me, or post directly from your cell phone.

I'm looking forward to the Fresno State - Oregon football game where at least then we'll all be rooting for the same team.

new post

I am writing this post becuase I think we should have a new post
I check this post looking for new ones...... but have not seen one in a while
so here it is - a new post -

GO GIANTS!!!!!!! August 11th its on.