new post

I am writing this post becuase I think we should have a new post
I check this post looking for new ones...... but have not seen one in a while
so here it is - a new post -

GO GIANTS!!!!!!! August 11th its on.


Anonymous said...

I found an error in your last post, it should read "Go PADRES."

Anonymous said...

We'll see some of you guys at Dodger Stadium on the 11th. That should be a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

okay you're right, we needed a new post. Go Dodgers! They should be going for 14 in a row on Friday night.

Anonymous said...

i hate the dodgers and the giants equaly the same! the mets are the best team! Ill be at the game routing for the mets...

Anonymous said...

It seems odd to me to go to a Dodgers-Giants game and rooting for the Mets to win. But then again I'll be rooting for the Lakers so it's cool.

Anonymous said...

Dodgers Rule! All you other geeks sucks!

Anonymous said...

hey the grimsleys got there orgen state fresno state tickets!! so its good were are all attempting to go to these outing together!! keep it up!!