Happy Birthday to my Little Brother Art

Happy Birthday to Art,

Hi there, I hope none of you who don't know will keel over from shock, but I've finally joined the human race and got a lap top. So I want to take the oppourtunity to wish Art a Happy Birthday. I sent you a card but lazy me I just got it off in the mail today. (Sorry!) But I want you to know that your not forgotten and that I do wish you the very best and that today would have been a very special day.

I hope everything is going fine with you and yours. My family is doing just fine. We're all fat and happy!

I've been over to see dad, I think it's important to do that, but sometimes it's just sad.

I've got to go, but I hope you've had a great Happy, Happy, Birthday.

Your big sister,



Anonymous said...

happy birthday uncle Art! and hello Aunt Elvia nice to hear from you out here in the internet.

Meneses said...

Thanks for remembering. Really appreciated it. It is cool to have you as my big sister and to know that we have both surrendered to the modern technology at the same time!!
Love your little brother

Meneses said...

hey I can view the blogg but now there isnt a place to create a new one. anyone know what has happened