Carlos' Recovery

I though it would be interesting to post Carlos' recovery on the Meneses blog.

For those that aren't aware, Carlos is doing great! Harrison, Ron and I went to visit him last night. He's been moved from the ICU to the Telemetry unit. He was verrrrrrry tired, but remains in good spirits. He is well aware he almost died and is thankful to be alive. He doesn't actually speak (although I have heard him say a few words), but communicates, by mouthing words and writing. He's really pretty good at getting his thoughts across; has gone so far as to tell several funny stories about his stays in hospitals.

Lately the staff has been getting him up in a chair for 4 to 5 hours a day. He is still on the respirator and is on antibiotics for the pneumonia. He is receiving nourishment through the central line. He does eat now, just not enough for him to completely heal. Once he can orally consume all the nutrients he needs, they will remove the central line and start letting him walk around. According to the nurses, they expect him to up and about in no time.

Carlos says he's been told the tracheotomy will be removed, but one of the nurses said she thought it would most likely be capped. He will require speech therapy to learn how to speak again.

I am truly amazed at his recovery. Kaycee says Carlos is not like a cat with only 7 lives, but more more like a cockroach, you know able to survive catastrophic disasters.

If you haven't had the opportunity, go see him. He welcomes visitors, and you will get the opportunity to see first hand a modern miracle. Carlos tells us that every day is a good day. He wanted us to let everyone know that he loves you.


(sorry it took me so long to post this - Mark)

1 comment:

Meneses said...

thanks for the update....crazy Carlos -
Eggs - Check
Milk - Check
Bread - Check
scare family by coming as close to death as humanly possible, and then come back when I feel like it (Again) - Check

I found that list in Carlos' room