Hey family, it's danielle

Sorry it's been so long since i last wrote!!! There has been a lot going on in the meneses-teiner household, First i would love to send congrats to kevin he recently graduated from st. joe's on may 12th, i'm very proud of him. We also just moved into a new apartment, but i guess the biggest news is the wedding!!! We decided in december to move the date up and scale back from our orginal idea, because our goal is to buy a house soon and we didn't want to spend 20,000 on our wedding, so we moved location, changed the theme and we couldn't be happier!!! Instead of getting married at a country club we are now getting married on a mountain, it is so beautiful up there, it's perfect!!! I know this is short notice and understand you guys probably cannot make it, but you will be missed and i wish that all of you could come, put there will be plenty pictures (we know how my dad loves to take pictures) Kevin and I created a website for out wedding, so please feel free to check it out the address is: www.theknot.com/ourwedding/daniellemeneses&kevinteiner.com I hope to hear from you soon and now that i'm settled in my new place there will be a lot more posts! I also have a new email address if anyone wants it, it is khtdmm@yahoo.com
I miss and love you all so much!


Meneses said...

It's danielle again, i just wanted to ask if anyone had a an up to date list of the addresses, i think i have them all, but i am missing susan's and i don't know if anyone has moved, thanks again!

Anonymous said...

susan is actually the one to get them from. she always puts the list together for us.

Anonymous said...

I'll get it together and out this week :o)


Meneses said...

thanks susan:-) I really appreciate it

Meneses said...

Congrats Dani

Anonymous said...

Hi Danielle, Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. When is the new day? Is your dad surviving?
Love Aunt Connie

Meneses said...

The new day is august 18th, and i think my dad may have a little less hair, but i think he's surviving and i'm sure he's pretty excited!-Danielle

Anonymous said...

Such good news! Congrats to Kevin too on his graduation.

Anonymous said...

the link you posted was sending people to the knot's homepage, so I posted a permanent link to your wedding page on the sidebar.