Officer Scraps Is Out Of Control!!

Clearly Officer Scraps is out of control! Mexicali officials say that 3 cats were found killed outside of the Gato Malo Saloon Friday morning in Baja, Mexico. Above is a picture of one of the victims ( in white ). He was beaten to death with the very beer bottles that Scraps consumed minutes before the violent act occurred. In a mad rage over dropping his cigarettes at the scene of the crime, Scraps took out his frustration on an innocent bystander house cat by shaving his body bald and making him chase his own tale. He then took another victim hostage. Scraps has been torturing this new victim and sending in pictures of these events to local authorities to antagonize and frustrate them. In this most recent picture you can see that Scraps has shaved his victim and has forced him to play musical instruments for him. Officer Scraps must be found!


Anonymous said...

I saw Officer Scraps in a Cat house in Ensenada. He was drinking and tried to turn a stray dog into a torta.

Anonymous said...

Rumors have it that Officer Scraps is planning down that way cuz he wants to scope out the Tecate plant. I hear he is recruiting some unsuspecting volunteer humans to help out.

Anonymous said...

I saw Officer Scraps today, in Tecate, and while he was very drunk he did make if very clear that he was mad at everyone, especially flea, saying that if he ever say him again he would tie him to a tree and tell all the kids he was a pinata.

Anonymous said...

We had to confiscate Blackstone's passport after we saw him packing a bag with Tuna, Jose Cuervo, and a net.

Anonymous said...

... you may have heard the rumor that Scraps has been captured. This is not true, Officer Scraps actually set up a Turkish Crime Lord. The person the Interpol captured was Keyser Soze, not Officer Scraps. Beware, he is still loose