Just when we thought there were no more heros, Flea has had enough and is taking matters into his own paws. Leaving immediately, with his barage of disguises, he plans on smuggling into Mexico. He vows to get his cat, DEAD or ALIVE.

Good Luck Flea. WE LOVE YOU!!!!

PS if any one can help with traveling expense please send money orders, or checks made out to CASH to P.O. Box 12345 Shafter, CA.

Thanks so much for your contribution.


Anonymous said...

"Smuggling into Mexico?" Nobody has to muggle anthin into Mexico, you just walk across... this inexperience will be the end of Flea... Ha Ha Ha

- El Gato Inferno Malo

Anonymous said...

why is Flea's mustache on TOP of his nose?

aunt_maria said...

Obviously he's been drinking. Let him sober up, point him the right direction and he'll do fine.

I want to beleive!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, I thought El Gato was dead. Is this another ploy by Officer Scraps????

Anonymous said...

Remember Flea, what happens in Mexico, gets buried in Mexico
HA HA HA HA HA. meow!!!

Anonymous said...

Flea, I would really love to support you financially, but at the moment I am a little strapped for cash. What I can contribute is my 60's gogo girl wig and boots. (Hey all the guys wore them back then.) I also have a slightly used map and I have a friend who hates cats that is heading down that way, that might let you hitch a ride. You're not afraid of riding in a trunk are you?

Anonymous said...

Scraps is at it again
