Officer Scraps Apprehended

After only two weeks, Flea’s job is done! Officer Scraps was found in another one of his underground fight clubs in Mexico. Thanks to Flea, Officer Scraps was not only found, he was also apprehended by Mexico’s authorities. After an extremely long chase Scraps finally gave in and was taken in peacefully. No one knows what is in store for Scarps after this.


Anonymous said...

I'd beware, this may not be the real Scraps that has been apprehended. We wouldn't want to underestimate his sneakiness.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this guy looks like Uncle Ron's other cat, Watson. Isn't he Officer Scraps step brother?

Anonymous said...

Ron is in the process of starting a defense fund for Officer Scraps. After all, he is an officer. He may have done some bad things, but Scraps put his lives on the line for our freedom. I hope he gets at least as good a deal as Scooter.

Anonymous said...

Since there was a fight at Ron's house will the authorites be apprehending him? Any truth to the rumor that Ron has special trained laser shooting ninja cats to protect him from THE MAN?

Anonymous said...

Do not let your guard down. This is not Officer Scraps. This imposter is one of Officer Scraps cronies. His syndicate is willing and able to do anything to keep him safe.

Anonymous said...

It was a typo! It's not Officer Scraps! It's Officer Scarps! Head for the hills! He's still at large!


Anonymous said...

I warned you all that this was probably an imposter. Who knows what the real Officer Scraps has been doing all this time that we've been looking at the "Scarps" character????