This is Ladies Night...

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies you are invited to a ladies night at Caroline's house in Bakersfield. We are going to have a rummy table (that's cards, not booze) and some other games of the dice throwing variety. Good food, drink and company. The date is September 30th, Sunday night at 6:30 pm. Give Caroline a call or post on the blog is you can make it.
See you there!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Blackstone will be serving as bouncer in case Officer Scraps tries to show his face.

Anonymous said...

August 30th?

I think Officer Scraps is planning this shindig...

Anonymous said...

Hi Caroline,
I plan on being there. See you. Shall I bring anything?

Anonymous said...

Can you bring the turkey?

aunt_maria said...

Count me in.

Issac Elias said...

me too!!!