Mother Daughter Luncheon

Hi Everybody! We just wanted to post about the M/D Luncheon so that you could save the date and plan on being there. This year we are having the lunch on a Sunday, since we know the Holidays are so busy for everyone. So mark you calendars for Sunday December 9th. We haven't set an exact time yet, but probably around the same time it always is. Invitations will be sent out soon. Does anybody remember what year we first started doing this? I've tried looking back and I think this might be our 11th year but I'm not sure. Anyway, it has really turned out to be a great tradition and we can't wait to see you there.


Issac Elias said...

In looking at my photo albums, my first year was 1995. I can't believe it's been that long!

Anonymous said...

95 sound rights. I remember doing it while I was still a Sac State student. Caroline