Here's what Maria's up to!!!

Doesn't look like they get a lot of work done, does it?


Anonymous said...

I think I saw this group opening at OzFest.

Anonymous said...

Hey remember in Mad Max when they were all fighting and that one guy was just like "Walk away, just walk away." and they Tupac made that California Lovin Video and... what was I talking about?

Anonymous said...

Is this a new teleabubby??

Anonymous said...

Are you hiring? Where do I go for an application

aunt_maria said...

TELEABBY!! No, we are CyberPunks!! and no you can't come here. They hired me and that is all they needed and people just aren't getting sick like they used to, so no, there are no more applications.

Anonymous said...

I always knew you were a punk...

Anonymous said...

I think I saw these girls on Union...