FREE CAT.... "Operation Free Freeloader"

Introducing FREELOADER the cat! This crazy little cat decided to follow my mom (momma grimsley) home from a field near her home. It is a very loving, always hungry indoor cat who is great with childreen and loves to be around people. However my dad (gun happy grimsley) is ready to see how many little pieces he can blow Freeloader into due to his combination of Love of Guns, and hate for Cats. Sooooo, If anyone is indeed in need of a little kitty steede then this is the one for you! Let us know and hes yours! Or maybe it's She's yours? im not sure i respect its privacy. Freeloader will also promise to capture scraps for you. But freeloader might be a liar. We're not sure.


Anonymous said...

Freeloader kind of looks like Scraps... COuld they be related?

Anonymous said...

I heard he was his bastard son.

Anonymous said...

Shoot first, ask later.

Anonymous said...

On the shoot first ask later post.....thats pretty much my dads belief system. Infact, i saw him running down the hall with one of his 30 something guns, straight towards freeloader until my mom ninja jumped out of the corner of the living room taking him down and disarming him before he could blow little freeloaders face off into space.