Super Bowl Sunday (The Record Holder)

I'm trying to figure out where I can go to eat some good food and watch the Packers lose to the Patriots in the big. . . what's that you say Cathi? The Packers didn't win? Wha???? How 'bout the Patriots? OK so there still in it.

Sorry, I was trying to post something and got interrupted. It's hard to type and talk at the same time. So are there any big plans for what should have been one of the best Super Bowls ever?

* Favre has one more record -- The Post with the most comments ever on the Meneses Blog (61)


Anonymous said...

I think by his look on his face, It seems to that he's looking for something like his suitcase. Did he know before anyone that he would not be playing on the 3 and was heading for an early vacation??

Anonymous said...

I heard he was heading south, yeah with that Jessica chick, that's what I heard.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope that there is a Superbowl party. I am looking forward to eating some good food like little smokies and chips and dip. Please say there's a party happening.

Anonymous said...

Lets see that again!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha on the Packers-- I mean it will only take us niner fans three more seasons to match the 2007 season win totals the Packers had-- it's not like our expectations were high at the beginning of the season or anything!! Alex is so much better than Montana!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha on the Packers-- I mean it will only take us niner fans three more seasons to match the 2007 season win totals the Packers had-- it's not like our expectations were high at the beginning of the season or anything!! Alex is so much better than Montana!!!

Anonymous said...

Take it! Take the ball! Oh why can't I be Montana??? WHY CANT I BE MONTANA????

Anonymous said...

I am the greatest qb and I played for the greatest team ever.... the chiefs

Anonymous said...

Joe is only a system QB-- we can make playoff's with a shrimpy QB from Canadian football, like Jeff Garcia

Meneses said...

Favre is better then montana!

Meneses said...

A system quarterback regarded as the greatest quarter back of all time, with three more rings then favre. 9 out of 10 people will take Montana over Favre (the tenth person is a Packer fan). Jeff Garcia was a shrimpy QB who beat Brett Farve in the playoffs.

Anonymous said...

Wow if you guys liked girls as much as you liked QBs you wouldn't be single and home alone on a Friday night.

Anonymous said...

The argument that Montana is the best ever has always been the rings- but if Brady and Bradshaw have the rings- and Favre, Tarkenton, Marino and Manning have the nimbers, what does your arguement stand on... if 9 of 10 would take Montana over Favre- then why did S.F. send him to KC? ...Oh and I'm working on a Fri night

Anonymous said...

Umm.. Favre beat Garcia in playoffs

Anonymous said...

Coming into their January 14, 2001 meeting with the New England Patriots, Farve pulled off a heroic performance which included throwing 27 touchdown passes, including one with his foot.

while throwing the ball a magical fairy came and put the ball on his foot and used its brain power to make him throw the ball with his foot.

In the 1st quarter, down 49-0, linebacker Rosie O'Donell blitzed Favre during a quadruple flea-flicker. Favre, wrapped up around his arms, then used his left foot to throw the ball 79 yards to a wide open Javon Walker. Many have dubbed this throw the "footbullet" for the way it struck and killed three of his own offensive lineman before the completion.

Controversy still surrounds Favre for the game. Not for the "footbullet" but because many wondered if he also was using his inner helmet microphone to issue commands to Navy SEALs and special forces officers in Afghanistan during the third quarter. This was later confirmed by childhood friend and defender of America, Rambo.

Anonymous said...

So. I guess the only thing left to say is....Will there be a superbowl party, or not?

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg i want your job (if thats you posting Greg) haha would be nice to have a job where you can play online all night! Have you had a chance to see Tiger Woods or any of the other Golfers playing Torry Pines this week? How about Homer Simpson or Barkley Jordan? haha. Anyway i want to ring in on this farve montana argument. Favre is a great quarterback statistically, but so was warren moon. However Favre was also a terrible quarterback statistically. He is the all time leader in interceptions and has more then any other "great" quarterback thrown bad passes at the worst times possible! However Favre is still possibly a top 5 quarterback, but not in the same league as montana. sure montana was a system quarterback, but every quarterback in the NFL is a system quarterback, and no one ran their system better then montana. and to answer your question of why would you trade montana to kc? well that should be pretty obvious. Joe Montana was headed towards the end of his carrer and the niners had a guy named steve young ready to go. Dont worry if Favre plays another year or two hell be traded or asked to retire that will happen to everyone. and you ask about other quarterbacks like brady, well brady is better then favre too. and by the time its all over he might be considerd the greatest of all time. So i guess ill have to ask, "Do you really believe that favre is better then montana?" Would you really take Favre as the quarterback you would want on your team if you had to win one game? cause if your answer is yes then i see why i beat you in our football pool more then not HAHA. Oh i do agree with you about garcia being a shrimpy quarterback who went to the playoffs. but there have been hundreds of terrible quarterbacks in the playoffs. Anyway arguing football is fun and hopefully we can do it at a superbowl party! You should try to come down and watch it. Any suggestions of where we can watch it? Superbowl Potluck? anyone know how squares gambling works? lol maybe we can do that too!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't anyone could ever come to a conclusion on the arguement, it could go on infinitaly. I mean at what point in there careers are you talking about Farve and Montana- because Montana was still performing at a high rate when the 49ers choose Young over him, and I believe Favre went 4-1 against him (including playoffs) While Fave did throw a lot of pics- 1 every 18.7 passes (about the nfl average) Montana was an amazing 1 every 38.8 passes!! But Favre takes those risks, and it usually paid off, evidenced by a TD every 12.2passes, compared to Montana's TD per every 19.7 passes.
I don't think that this type of question could ever be answered, unless you had an athelete who just blew everyone away. Heck Favre isn't even the best QB in Packer history

Anonymous said...

49ers: 5 Championships
55.7% win percent all time
36.5% win percent since NFL went to 32 team format

Packers: 12 Championships
55.9% win percent all time
59.4% win percent since NFL went to 32 team format

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is that Joe Montana was the best linebacker of all time.

Anonymous said...

It's true, Montana was the best, but no linebacker was as feared as Rosie O'Donell

Anonymous said...

I love the stats you guys are coming up with. Being a guy who used to study the back of baseball cards and try to quiz people I find the numbers fascinating.

But I think it's hard not to be biased when comparing these quarterbacks. It's very hard for me not to just instantly think of the pass to John Taylor with like 16 seconds left against the Bengals when I think of Montana. I don't have the same memories of Favre, I remember him running around making crazy plays or taking off his helmet.

In my mind nobody will ever be as good as Montana. But that's because I remember 1989-1990 more than any period of football. For those who were fans of Favre, his Super Bowl moments are probably much more vivid memories.

I'll quit my essay with this: Vinny Testaverde is and will always be the supreme quarterback of the NFL.

Anonymous said...

Best Surfing QB Ever: Todd Marinovich--

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's the last time I challenge my hero to a fight. I almost died, but he had mercy on me.

Anonymous said...

Brett Favre has had several bad encounters at Fast food restaurants. Once he went into a burger king, ordered a big mac, with fries, an apple pie, a filet o fish and a coke, and got them. On another incident Favre went into a McDonalds at 11pm, ordered an egg McMuffin, because it was night and the McDonalds was in Minesota, they refused him his meal. He got so mad, he tossed a football at the building, instead of exploding (like anything else favre hits with a football), the restaurant became something completely new, and that's how we got the first IN & OUT.

Anonymous said...

Starr dominated these passing stats in the 1960s. His career interception percentage is the lowest of any passer in the decade, and his yards-per-pass mark of 7.85 is better than that of a score of quarterbacks who are generally regarded as among the best in history, including Dan Marino (7.37), Joe Montana (7.52), Roger Staubach (7.67), Dan Fouts (7.68), Sonny Jurgensen (7.56), Fran Tarkenton (7.27), Y.A. Tittle (7.52), Terry Bradshaw (7.17) and Joe Namath (7.35). He won 5 NFL Championships and won the MVP in both Superbowls.

Anonymous said...

packers 12 championships when there were like 8 teams in 10 game seasons haha

Anonymous said...

emmitt smith is the all time leader in rushing yards but no one thinks hes better then barry sanders. despite all the stats you just know hes better then smith ever was. same with montana over favre.

Anonymous said...

emmitt smith?! he only kept playing to get the record... walter payton "sweetness" was better than anybody, but barry is a close second.

Anonymous said...

the 12 Championships still count- no one is taking them off the books.. also look at the difference in win percents since there have been 32 teams. Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

Monata or Favre- Doritos or BBQ lays- matter of personal preference-- Personally I'd take Fouts over both of them

Anonymous said...

Barry was better than sweetness (not by alot) Jim Brown was the best... If LT can produce another 5-7 years he could kill all of them, but I've yet to see a RB last that long

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I sure do love Brett Favre. Here's a guy who, when he throws it to his receivers, can complete some passes. He's probably the greatest quarterback ever for his ability to throw the ball into the endzone, which scores touchdowns

Anonymous said...

Both Niners and Packers best teams would have lost to the Troy Aikmens Cowboys! Favre......very overrated.
here are Just Some quarterbacks who are better.
unitas, montana, tarkenten, marino, elway, starr, peyton manning, brady, fouts and for at least last game Eli Manning haha
Thanks giants for making sure we didnt have to watch favre chuck up a record 7 INTs' in this years superbowl

Anonymous said...

Dude loves Troy Aikman, but can't even spell his name- good job... and don't make me bust out the numbers on the Cowboys. They only thing they beat Packers and Niners at is Player Salarys

Anonymous said...

“There's Brett Favre and then there's Brett Favre and then there's a Brett Favre type of thing that Brett Favre is gonna do and when he does it you gotta say that, that, that's ah ah a Brett Favre type of thing that he did right there, ya know?”

Anonymous said...

Most of these comments are correct but I believe that you have the wrong Joe. I believe the Joe that truly mean is The Slinging Joe Mantegna from west of the Paco's.I believe that it Mategna that made the passing game into what it is today. And this being the fact that because of his contributions to the offensive part of the game did the defense started to get better. The ablity to use defensive players in more than one position and scheme led to great players such as Bobby Buccher. And one other fact, why is it when I read what Madden says I hear his voice saying it. Bam!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Meneses said...

i would have spelled aikmans name right but hes not my boyfriend. good luck on that relationship there guy

Anonymous said...

Nice try, but I ain't no guy, but at least I know how to spell the names of the QB's I like, which isn't ugly aikman, Leinart would be nice if he wasn't such a baby

Anonymous said...

Yay! The record has been broken.! Forty-two, make that forty-three comments. No forty two. One of the comments was a repeat with a different title. It's still a record! I've never seen anything like it. Good spellers, bad spellers--it doesn't matter! And look at all the new readers the blog has attracted: Bob Costas, John Madden, Jerry Jones, Joe Montana, Al Davis, Chuck Norris, Pat Summerall, Brett Favre. And how about that Favre? His photo started the whole thing! I have been thinking about Brett. Could Favre (you know, of course that nobody really pronounces that name the way it's spelled..Fav.. re) have been at one time, a few generations back, from the same family as the people we know and love as Favereaux? That would make all this make sense, wouldn't it? Anyway, enjoy the Superbowl everybody, even if all of us hunker down in front of our own tiny little black and white seven inch clothes-hanger antennae battery powered PHILCO with a bag of Fritos and a bottle of ketchup.

Anonymous said...

I hope those are chili cheese fritos. Hey and what about me, I mean I made the jump pass look good and our defense was great. I mean the DoomsDay defense. Can you imagine how many more Superbowls we've could of won had I not severed my country in the Navy for four years. Man what a thought.

Anonymous said...

Roger! You Buttonhooked me!!! Wowza!

Anonymous said...

you can spell sure, but (you aint no) Grammatical genius are you.

Meneses said...

there should be a question mark after are you haha but their aint no question marc iz ther haha

Meneses said...

TOP 10
Daily News ranks game's top 10 QBs of all time:

1. Joe Montana
2. Tom Brady
3. Johnny Unitas
4. John Elway
5. Dan Marino
6. Peyton Manning
7. Troy Aikman
8. Brett Favre
9. Terry Bradshaw
10. Otto Graham

Meneses said...

NFL's greatest pass judgment on
Brett Favre's place in history
-No one is willing to put him number one on their list, but he is still an all time great.


Sunday, January 20th 2008, 4:00 AM


Brett Favre hasn't been to the Super Bowl in 11 years, but his career has had some magical moments in its twilight.

NFL Network analyst Brian Baldinger, a former player, diagrams and breaks down four plays that could be key on Sunday. Click above for the plays.
(Page 1 of 4)

GREEN BAY - It was the third game of the 1992 season when it all began.

Brett Favre was in his first year in Green Bay after being traded from Atlanta following a washout rookie season that saw him complete no passes in four attempts. Two of those passes were intercepted.

Don Majkowski was the Packers' starting quarterback that week, but he suffered an ankle injury in the first quarter vs. the Bengals and now here came Favre with just 14 attempts off the bench. Here came Favre ready to make a statement after then-GM Ron Wolf gave up a first-round pick to get him.

Cincinnati was 2-0 and the talk of the league. The Packers were 0-2 and still struggling two decades after Vince Lombardi. But Brett Favre was about to cool off Cincinnati and take off on a Hall of Fame career.

The Packers were trailing 23-17 as time was draining off the clock. Then Favre connected on a 35-yard touchdown pass to Kitrick Taylor with 13 seconds remaining to give Green Bay a 24-23 victory. He needed only five plays to cover 92 yards in 54 seconds with no timeouts to win the game.

"That started the Brett Favre legend," says Wolf.

It was the one and only touchdown catch of Taylor's career and the second of what is now Favre's record 442 TD passes. He holds the NFL career record for TD passes, yards, completions, attempts and wins by a quarterback and owns a record three MVP awards. And, of course, he has the record for interceptions, too.

Favre has been to two Super Bowls, winning his first against Bill Parcells, losing his second to John Elway, who was the same sentimental favorite Favre is Sunday against the Giants. If Favre beats the Giants and goes on to win the Super Bowl, it will be 11 years between Super Bowl victories, the longest gap for a quarterback in the history of the game.

But do all the records, all the comebacks, all the drama make him the best ever?

"In my world, Joe Montana is the No. 1 quarterback of all time," says Boomer Esiason, on the losing end of that first Favre comeback.

So, where should we put Favre?

"Top five," says Wolf, who has Otto Graham first on his list.

"Second," says former Giants coach Jim Fassel.

"I've got him 10th," says former Bengals receiver and NBC analyst Cris Collinsworth. "I've seen him make mistakes in big games. I haven't seen him carry a team to a championship."

It's all subjective, of course, and any team would be thrilled to get an all-time top 10 quarterback. Montana won four Super Bowls with the 49ers and his Joe Cool demeanor was the complete opposite of Frantic Favre, who might be the most entertaining player in NFL history.

Meneses said...

You can't put Favre ahead of Tom Brady, who won three Super Bowls in his first six years as the Patriots' starter and is favored to add his fourth in two weeks in Phoenix, which would tie him with Montana and Terry Bradshaw for most ever.

Is Favre better than Dan Marino, who held most of the passing records Favre has recently broken? Marino went to only one Super Bowl and lost. That was in his second year in the NFL and he never got back in his final 15 seasons. But since Don Shula, the winningest coach of all time, failed to give him a defense or a running game, Marino was pretty much a one-man team.

Is Favre better than Peyton Manning? They are tied in Super Bowl victories, Favre leads 2-1 in Super Bowl appearances and Favre holds all those records. Give the edge to Favre with an asterisk. Manning has quite a few more years to play.

Favre certainly is a more spectacular player than Troy Aikman, whose career numbers aren't even in the same chapter in the record book as Favre's. But Aikman beat Favre three times in the playoffs and went on to win three Super Bowls. If quarterbacks are measured by Super Bowl victories, then how can Favre be ahead of Aikman?

Favre vs. Johnny Unitas? Johnny U. played in a different era but was the best of his time.

Elway? He took an inferior team to three Super Bowls and lost by a combined 136-40, then got a running game with Terrell Davis and a defense, and finished up in style with Super Bowl victories in his final two seasons.

If Favre, who has rejuvenated his career with his performace this season, should win another this year and do it by ending the Patriots' perfect season, he shoots up a few spots in the rankings, for sure.

* * *

Favre started the first game of his career on Sept. 27, 1992, beating the Steelers, 17-3. It was one week after that comeback win over the Bengals and the beginning of the most incredible iron-man streak in sports history.

He has now started 253 consecutive regular-season games with no end in sight because the Packers are going to have to hide his helmet, take away the football and burn his uniform before he ever retires.

"He's one of those guys you can never count out," says Montana by phone. "He just keeps fighting back. He looks older than he is with all that grey hair. But he's playing a lot younger than he is. It's good to see him hanging in there. He's playing great."

Where does Montana put Favre?

Meneses said...

"Obviously, there's been a lot of great players," he says. "Brett is definitely in that category. It's hard to put anybody 1-2-3. Everybody played for different lengths, so it's hard to compare them. He's had a tremendous career. He passed all of Danny's records. I didn't think that would happen. I didn't think those things would fall for a long time."

Marino put the numbers so far out there it was almost like he was daring somebody to come close to breaking them. But nothing lasts forever.

Manning took care of his single-season touchdown record in 2004 then Brady took care of Manning's record this year. Favre has already passed Marino in career completions, and this year, one by one, rolled by him in career attempts, yards and touchdown passes.

Well, at least Marino still holds the record for most yards passing in a season with 5,084.

"As a football fan and former player and a guy who played the position, you have to really admire what Brett has been able to do," Marino tells the Daily News from the HBO studios. "It's incredible how he's lined up each and every week and played at a consistent level for so long."

Of course, Marino would like it if those records were able to last a little longer.

"You would always love to see something you accomplished stand forever," he says. "It's a little bit unrealistic, especially because of how many games he's played in."

But if somebody has to break Marino's records, he's fine with it being Favre.

"He loves the game, he has burning desire to win and his competitiveness are all things I admire," says Marino. "Like when Peyton broke my touchdown record, there was no better guy because of the type of guy he is. It's the same thing with Brett. If you asked them, they would say the same about me."

Who is the greatest of all time?

"If you asked me, I would tell you I'm the best," says Marino laughing.

So, how does Favre feel about his name being all over the record book?

"I am aware, but I haven't stopped long enough to think about it - I don't want to say enjoy or appreciate," says Favre. "I'm very proud of the fact that I have played this long, have achieved a lot of these things and the obvious achievement that I am most proud of - the consecutive starts, the wins, neither one of those come without the other."

It won't be until he retires that he will look at all his records and "probably appreciate more with each day that passes," he says.

Meneses said...

But nobody seems willing to put him at the top of their list.

"I don't think he will ever be remembered as the greatest quarterback of all time," adds Collinsworth. "But he's won, he's always played, he brings a passion in an era when passion seems to be more about money and things not related to football than it does about the game."

* * *

Favre is the oldest player on the youngest team. He's been on the verge of retiring for years. And if he wins the Super Bowl in two weeks, maybe this will be the time he retires. But even at 38, he's having too much fun to go back home to Mississippi for good.

"I would be lying if I said I was not enjoying it," he says.

He hasn't played this late in the season since the 1997 season when the Packers beat the 49ers in the NFC Championship Game, then lost to Denver in the Super Bowl.

"This is my fourth opportunity in a Championship Game. What I will say is I appreciate it," says Favre. "I don't want to say that I savor the moment more, but four tries in 17 years - and to a certain degree that is better than most guys - but I obviously want to win this game and get a chance for the Super Bowl."

The consecutive game streak has gone on despite a broken thumb, a torn left knee ligament and then in 2004 a concussion against the Giants that saw Favre come back in after being hit, throw a touchdown pass, be a bit out of it, then sit the rest of the game.

"I think about all the games that I have played in," says Favre. "And there have been only a few times that not only have I not been able to finish a game, but there has only been a couple of times that it was even a question if I could play in the following game, which hasn't happened. But to me, I'm probably as proud of that as anything."

Favre is immensely popular for the way he plays the game and comes across publicly. "An everyday guy," says Esiason. "A guy you would like to have a beer with."

And a guy Wolf is pretty happy he brought to Green Bay.

"What he has done is incredible," says Wolf.

Anonymous said...

okay, almost game time prediction. pats 40- giants 15

Anonymous said...

So Brett Favre, quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, has won more games than any other quarterback in the history of the National Football League. The one thing that most typical football analysts will agree upon is that the quarterback is judged on wins, and wins alone. Which leads to the questions, is Brett Favre

the best quarterback of all-time?

Now just about everybody would say no, with a few claims to justify that position.

Firstly, most NFL historians and football analysts would immediately point to the fact that Favre has only won one Superbowl. However, there are some arguments to be made against that claim. One being that in this age of free agency, winning multiple Superbowls is almost impossible and is considered an outstanding achievement. In addition, the talent around Brett Favre has not been as good as some of the multiple-Superbowl winning quarterbacks, such as John Elway, Joe Montana, and Troy Aikman.

Secondly, some football historians would argue that Favre has been very inconsistent over the years; citing the fact, that Favre will end his career as the all-time leader in interceptions thrown. However, Favre will also be among the leaders in 4th quarter comebacks as well. And you are not at the top of that category unless you consistently come through in clutch situations.

Thirdly, many knowledgeable football people will point out that Favre's records are the result of longevity, not excellence. However, his 3-MVP awards would dispute that. Moreover, he is accomplishing all of these feats in his 17th season. Dan Marino, the holder of most of the passing records, played exactly, 17 seasons. I have also failed to mention that Favre only threw 4 passes in his first season as a backup for the Atlanta Falcons.
So really, the only argument that can be made against Favre being the best quarterback to every play the game is his sole Superbowl victory. And I'm not sure why that argument can really stand. Afterall, nobody will condemn anyone who says Dan Marino was the best quarterback of all time; because Marino is known as the most talented and prolific quarterback to play the game. Yet, he did not win any Superbowls.

In turn, Favre has won a Superbowl, and he will go down as the most prolific quarterback of all-time upon his retirement. And while people who saw Marino in his prime may say Favre does not have the talents he had, that should not be construed as anything more than a bias opinion.

Favre has a gun as good as any quarterback to ever play the game, and he has made play after play in the regular season and in the playoffs. If it were not for stacked Cowboys, 49ers and Broncos' teams, Favre may indeed have been more likely to win more Superbowls.

I think to judge a quarterback purely on Superbowls is ridiculous and is pure football fantasy, especially when there are several quarterbacks in the hall of fame who did not win Superbowls. However, when it is all said and done, people will make their own judgments. Nevertheless, the way the Green Bay Packers are looking, they could get Favre that elusive second Superbowl ring just yet.

Anonymous said...

So how do the 07 Patriots rank all time?

Behind the 07 Giants at the very least

Anonymous said...

What a heck of a game that was played. LET'S SEE AGAIN

Anonymous said...

New England had an 18-0 start running into the 2008 Superbowl, only to lose 17-14 to the Giants. This is because they choke. This can be explained in such simple statements which are now printed on plastic bags as warnings to small children: do not swallow this bag or you will New England!.

This is further explained through questions now included on the official Citizenship Test of the United States:

What do New England and old fashioned cars have in common?

What did New England do in the 2008 Superbowl?
a) Choke
b) Suck, losing 17-14 to the Giants
c) Both

Anonymous said...

The Patriots were able to win 3 super bowls by video taping the opponents, then trying their plays in Madden Football to see if they work. The faces of the team has also been known to cheat on their wives and girlfriends. As a punishment, the Patriots will be banned from the Madden video game until John Madden dies. The Patriots are currently appealing this decision, on the grounds that their undercover surveillance is protected under the Patriot Act.

Since the Cheating scandal, many other camps started loading their sniper rifles with a recording device so that they can see their opponent's coaching style. With this new technology we got, it's hard to get caught. Please do not mind about the gunfire during the game and the casualties occuring against other snipers.

Not that it matters anyway, as the Patriots choke.

Anonymous said...

Just to rub it in, New England did not eclipse the Miami Dolphins and did not win the Superbowl having had an otherwise perfect season. They choked. To get an idea of how badly they choked, fill a balloon with water until it is the size of your head. Keep filling it until it is the size of the Patriots' heads. Now swallow this. You will find this impossible as you are undergoing a gigantic choke, almost as bad as the one the Patriots underwent

Anonymous said...

I think that's also known as waterboarding.

Anonymous said...