Scrappy Santana

An associate of Scraps? Who knows? But I heard he plays a mean Stairway to Heaven.....


I hope everyone got their invitations for our housewarming next Sunday. We are hoping many of you will be able to come over, check out the house, have a margarita or soda, and have a relaxing time with us.

I gave Elias' sister a reduced wedding list to send out invitations for the party and I'm not sure how she addressed them. With that being said, bring your kids!!! We're hoping to have a great time...

~ Elias and Susan

Baby Burrito

So, Sofia really loves her beans and tacos. Really. And I thought we could use a picture that hasn't been doctored in anyway on the blog.

Because I haven't seen a new post in while. . .

I'm really not sure why I felt the need to do this. But at first I thought it would make a cool shirt. Then once I started I couldn't stop, but I also couldn't do a very good job with it either.
So here is picture of that time when we were all in one of Greg's movies. I don't remember if any of us survived the ending.My thanks to Chris Penn for agreeing to be in the shot.
(I really need a hobby)

Nothing Really

I just ordered my first Meneses T-shirt. I was wondering if a link could be added to the top of the page. Also, I was thinking that a baseball game with the family in Meneses tee's would be an amazing sight to see!!!

E tu Greg?

So you want to know who's behind this whole Officer Scraps epidemic? Well for the first time we have photo evidence linking a family member directly to one of Officer Scraps allies, perhaps even Scraps himself at an earlier age, it's difficult to tell right now. Maybe we should give him a chance to defend himself, but the evidence doesn't look good.

* this image has not been doctored in any way

Beware the Tiger Legionars!!!!

Hey You Crazy Meneseses and so and so and such. Thought I'd give all fair warnin to gets into hiddin cuz I went all over the world and found me the bestest Tigers that wants to join up with me and me crew. We plan on going out and robbing us some banks tomorrow then we all wants to go Party in Wasco, Hopes you guys can makes it.

New Stuff

Alright so I'm doing some shameless plugging for the Meneses Merchandise. Since I first started the shop I've been learning to do more with images and logos. This is the latest one I created. I'm kind of playing around with images right now, to see what works best. Well I just thought I'd share the newest sample with everybody. That's it for now, I hope everyone's doing alright out there.

Fear the Super NinJAAA Lazer Kats

Darth Mittens has completed training his first brigade of mauraders, the Super NinJAAA Laser Kats. As you can witness they can shoot deadly lasers from their cat eyeballs and are 18th degree red belt masters of the dreaded martial art Kat Ku NinJAAAitsu. They have already smote many a K-9. The battle has turned in favor for Scraps's kabul! Long Live the Amiro Kitty Klan!!