When did this happen?


Anonymous said...

That is awesome! When do tickets go on sale? Is this Menudo? I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohmigosh! I had this flashback to about 25 years ago. I have definitely seen this moves before, only that time it was happening on top of an old ranchero.

Anonymous said...

Scott is the bad one HA!

Anonymous said...

Oh that ranchero! Good times!

Anonymous said...

Connor likes cousin Art's fresh moves. Jack thinks Nate's are especially dope. Sofia digs Scott's amazing acrobatics. I'm a fan of the song myself...

Anonymous said...

you know, it's funny Paxton really liked this as well. he made us watch it like 5 times yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I think this was filmed in the Woodville Subway... the Rose St stop to be exact.