Memorial Day

How's everyone doing out there? I just wanted to survey what people were doing on Memorial Day. For some reason I don't have to work that day, it's the first time I can remember having the day off. So what do normal people do on this day? The weather out here should be great that day so I'm thinking BBQ maybe. Well, let us know what you're up to.

Shameless plug number 483 -- I restored a picture taken of the old walkway at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and added it to the Meneses Shop in a few items.


Koontz fam said...

You should have come and walked to Get Out the Vote with me.

Anonymous said...

that sounds like fun. but, instead we went to woodville and ate bbq.

Anonymous said...

I was all over the place last weekend. In Santa Monica at a spa on Saturday and UFC at our house Saturday night. Relaxed on Sunday. In Tulare shopping on Monday, I wish someone would have told me there was food, I would have been there :)


Anonymous said...

hey susan next time you make it up to Tulare you've got to give me or someone in Woodville a call, if there's not food we can go get some.

Alli said...

Susan, next time you're in Tulare call me and I'll take you out to lunch! I work right next to the outlets. BTW. I took this picture. Should I be expecting royalties?

Anonymous said...

when you learn how to take good pictures than maybe you can expect royalties. until then, no.

Meneses said...

hey i have seen some of allisons pictures and thought they were pretty great! love the pic taken through the pipes in woodville ally