Official Update

Hell Meneses Clan!

This is Little Art. I want to let you know that I am officially done with graduate school, and my new name is now:

Arturo T. Meneses, M.Ed. (Don't worry, I will only pull that one out when I am losing an argument!)

Second of all, to celebrate my graduation from grad school, my apendix decided it needed to come out. Luckily the doctors found it in time, and had it removed. I am now at home recovering with the support of loving friends and colleagues.

I hope all is well!


Little Art


Anonymous said...

"Hell Meneses Clan!"
I think he's trying to tell us something...

Anonymous said...

hey man, congrats again. Good to hear that you're doing well, even though you're now without an appendix.
Thanks for the update, feel better.

Anonymous said...

Masters of Education, eh? Well I ain't got one of those but I know that appendix is spelled with two p's. And I still got my appendix,too. I hope it doesn't hurt when you laugh, Art.

Mr. M said...

Yeah, my spelling still stinks! Haha! And yes, it still hurts when I laugh! I will defenitely be in CA much more for next year. I hope all is well! Thanks,


Anonymous said...

Congrats! And get Well!