July 12th Retirement Party For Grandma Grimsley

Hey Everybody, we have set the date for Grandma Grimsleys Happy Retirement Party for Saturday, July 12th. We will probably start the BBQ and food around 4 but feel free to come early and hang out with us. Hope that you can all make it out and help congratulate my mom and help her celebrate a well deserved new chapter of her life. We are all proud of her and are excited that she can finally kick her feet up and relax while enjoying her favorite activites such as; cleaning the house everyday, gardening, cleaning the yard, mowing the lawn, babysitting all the grandkids, painting the house, fixing the roof, painting the walls, walking the dog, feeding the dog, chasing the dog, pruning the trees, raking the leaves, taking out the trash, cooking us dinner, cooking us breakfast, washing the dishes, mopping the floors, scrubbing the toilets, and so many more exciting activites she can't wait to do haha. Anyway, we hope to see you all Saturday July 12th to help us Celebrate our moms Retirement. If you have any questions feel free to call Nathan or Laura. Hope to see you all there.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan and Laura,
We would like to help with the retirement. Mike said he would do a cake. Is there anything else you need? Let us know.
We plan on being there.
Aunt Connie and Uncle Darrel

Anonymous said...

hey isn't this the day that Aunt Elvia and I were supposed to go to San Francisco to try out for American Idol?? We may have to reschedule.

p.s. it sounds like you'll have a very busy retirement, Aunt Elvia.

Anonymous said...

I think the Cravens will be there! Anything you want us to bring? Besides our good looking selves that is.....

Anonymous said...

Hey im nominating the sexy Cravens to bring some water if you dont mind :) and mark ill look into getting you and my mom a karaoke machine so you guys can try out for Woodville Idol. And we will take mike up on that cake that would be great!! im not sure if well need to borrow some of your chairs uncle darrel but if so that would be great if you guys could maybe help us out with that. thanks for helping out everybody!