Stayin Alive With Another 5

Another 5 baby, and one of those was a giant. :) I couldn't be outdone by a Jack Sparrow fishing pole, but I almost was.
Laura caught her first 3 fish ever using her Jack Sparrow fishing pole. Here's a picture of her biggest fish!


Anonymous said...

Nate that fish is huge!! Where'd you catch them this time? I need to get back out there, but I don't think anyone has a chance to catch up to you this summer.

Meneses said...

i have an unfair advantage, lots of free weekends! whenever you want to go mark im ready! i think susan and elias want to try to fish so im going to try to take them you should come with us
-the nate

Meneses said...

Fishing Report: Doug and Jared Sams were catching all day at Wishon today! so they are starting to bite guys!

Anonymous said...

Dude!! Congratulations Mr. & Mr. Sams!!! I always knew Doug would be the chick!

Meneses said...

of course the person who left that last comment would be afraid to leave his/her name in fear that mrs sams (doug)would beat them down

Anonymous said...

Baby, your a big blue whale. Hold the reef when all duck diving fails. I swim, but I wish I never learned, the water is too polluted with germs.

Meneses said...

Hey mark and mike I think dougs going to rent a camp site for about 3-4 days over an upcoming weekend and he wants us to drop by on any of those days if you guys have a chance. mark i tried to call you but i keep getting this crazy chick named lisa haha. i need your number my friend.
The Nate

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you must have on old cell #. i'll get you the new one.